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Mount St. Helens is shrouded in clouds at sunset, October 10, 2004. Steam began rising just after dawn continuing throughout the day into evening
Irish Republic - Irish Easter Rising 1916 - one of the banners rputup on the GPO by rebels - ? TopFoto Topfoto stills library picture library stock archive vintage Ireland Irish Rebellion 1916
WWI poster - British - We risk our lives to bring you food. Its up to you not to waste it. - A message from our seamen. -? TopFoto
Delphinium flowersDelphinium (Delphinium Blue Indulgence ) flowers
Long-billed Curlew BirdLong-billed Curlew, bird, wings reaching overhead while running, on Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA.10 Nov. 2004
Optical fibres
Steam venting from crater rises above Mount St HelensSteam vents out of the crater of Mount St. Helens, October 10, 2004
Where the name John Bull comes from? - ? TopFotoWhere the name " John Bull" comes from? - ? TopFoto
VerrucaA verruca (or plantar wart), a small benign growth in the skin caused by a virus infection
Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis flock feeding at Caerlaverock Scotland November
California. San Francisco. Blay-Place, San FranciscoEarly engraving of thoroughfare in San Francisco, showing shops and warehouses
Long-billed Curlew with wings extendedLong-billed Curlew, wings extended on wet sand at Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA
Vegetables for Victory - Ambrose Heath - ? TopFoto
Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus Caerlaverock Scotland autumn
Herd of Buffalo in a blizzard, 1887Engraving showing a large herd of buffalo, huddled together against the cold of the snow storm, North America, 1887
Central Park, New York City, USA
A Dog In The Wind
Cockpit view of a pilot flying an F-15 EagleNovember 10, 2004 - An aircrew member pulls away from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, for a live weapons fire during Exercise William Tell 2004
An aircraft metals technician welds framework to repair a maintenance bench used to support the B-52 bomber
Parade In Trafalgar Squarediry, 15625, crowd, H, 92013, BOX, 1551, 5/4, coach, &, horses, vehicle, J87503001, photograph, black, white, format_landscape, H/COR(BRI)/VICTORIA/DIAMOND, JUBILEE/1897, Royalty, Parades
Australians In Paradediry, 15625, watching, horse, Animal, Army, Military, England, Britain, Europe, street, Parades, &, Processions, Royalty, H/COR(BRI)/VICTORIA/DIAMOND, JUBILEE/1897, format_landscape, black, white
Parade Of Mounted Riflesdiry, 15625, watching, H, 97578, BOX, 59, 12/10, ORIG, LSC, 4257, coach, &, horses, riding, female, male, J87503004, horse, Animal, Army, Military, England, Britain, Europe, street, Parades
Spanish BeautyA dark-haired young woman in a toreadors jacket and a low cleavage, circa 1900. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Come Hither SmileA flirtatious young woman with bare shoulders, circa 1900. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Irish Republic - Irish Easter Rising 1916 - one of the banners put up on the GPO by rebels - ? TopFoto Topfoto stills library picture library stock archive vintage Ireland Irish Rebellion 1916
Volcanoes NP, Rwanda, Mountain Gorillas, Gorilla beringei beringei, Portrait
Intelligent label chip. Radio frequency identification (RFID) chip with a reflection of an eye on it. RFID chips could soon replace barcodes
Intelligent label chip. Woman looking through a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip. RFID chips could soon replace barcodes
Saddle anemonefish (Amphiprion ephippium) by its host anemone. This fish, also known as the red saddleback anemonefish, is found on the coral reefs of the eastern Indian Ocean
Western tree frog tadpole on a persons finger. The tadpole is in the process of growing limbs and becoming a frog
Spinecheek anemonefish (Premnas biaculeatus) in its host anemone. This fish is found on the coral reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific region
Black anemonefish (Amphiprion melanopus) in their host anemone. The female (right) is far larger than the male (left)
Stubble, SEM
Drombeg stone circle, County Cork, Southern Ireland
Stonebirrane stone circle, County Kerry, Southern Ireland
Yachts in harbour under a full moon, Grenada
Intelligent label chip manufacture. Technician checking a polymer transistor (on screen upper right). This is a component of a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip
Intelligent labels. Supermarket trolley filled with products with radio frequency identification (RFID) chips in their packaging. RFID chips could soon replace barcodes
Intelligent labelsMODEL RELEASED. Intelligent labels. Woman shopping in a supermarket where the packaging contains radio frequency identification (RFID) chips. RFID chips could soon replace barcodes
Cola bubbles
ChocolateThree blocks of chocolate
CrispSingle crisp
Portal tomb, also known as a Dolmen, in Carnac, France
Neolithic stone alignments, Carnac, France
Wheat harvestWheat (Triticum sp.) being harvested by a combine harvester. Photographed in France
Carrot field in Brittany, France
Hay bales being collected from the field. Photographed in France
Wheat (Triticum sp.) growing in a field in Normandy, France
Wheat (Triticum sp.) growing in a field
Sheep grazingSheep (Ovis aries) grazing in front of the historical islet of Mont St. Michelle in Brittany, France
Anticlinal folded rock strataAnticlinal chevron fold in rock strata. The strata were originally horizontal and planar. They formed from the gradual deposition of material during the Silurian period (443-417 million years ago)
Cone flowers (Rudbeckia Spotlight )
European wand loosestrife flowersEuropean wand loosestrife (Lythrum virgatum) flowers
Sprouting acorn of the English oak tree (Quercus robur). A young root (radicle) is seen burrowing downwards, while the shoot is seen growing upwards towards the light
Haemophilus influenzae bacteriaFalse-colour scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Haemophilus influenzae (Pfeiffers bacillus), a Gram negative, non-motile, non-sporing species of bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria). H
Lemon mint flowerLemon mint (Monarda citriodora) flower
Fuchsia flowers (Fuchsia sp.)
Statice flowersStatice (Limonium Gold Coast ) flowers
Tree mallow flowersTree mallow (Lavatera Mont Blanc ) flowers
Horned violet flowersHorned violet (Viola cornuta Penny Orange ) flowers
Cosmos Picotee flowers
Racing Indian Ponies; North American Frontier town, c. 1880Engraving showing two men whipping and racing their ponies, c.1880. This scene shows a typical event on a Sunday afternoon in a frontier town in Western America
Hotel Office in a frontier town, North America, 1880Engraving showing the scene in a hotel in a frontier town, with Indian trophies, moccasins, penants, belts and a moose head on the wall
California, SAn Francisco. Political meeting at san FranciscCrowd of people listening to political speakers, flying the stars and stripes, the American flag
America. Photographs from California. Indusry BarIndustry Bar was a heavily mined area of the Californian gold diggings and this engraving from a photograph shows the elaborate system of bringing water to the mining area
America. An Artists Notes in California. Evening in a LoggeInterior of a Loggers cabin where 5 men are entertaining themselves with singing and dancing to an accordian
A Land-rush in the United States. A Minute after the signalHorses and wagons of all sorts take the participants in the land-rush to stake a claim for their plot
In the Saloon; North American frontier town, 1880Engraving showing a bar rooom scene with barmaid and three cowboys in a North American frontier town, c.1880
Native American Indian trading a pony, West America, 1880Engraving showing a native American Indian bartering at the store in a Frontier Town, the trade appears to be ammunition for the pony; the Wild West, North America, c.1880
The American Pony Express. En Route from the Missouri RiverThe famous American Pony Express to carry post from coast to coast was set up by Mr WH Russell
California. San Francisco and Sacramento. San Francisco, genThe City of San Francisco was in the grip of gold fever in the 1850s and was growing in population by the day, as many as 2, 000 immigrants were arriving by sea each day
America. Photographs of California. Gold washing on the YubaWater was indispensible in the gold mining process and the water from the River Yuba was dammed and piped to wash away the sand and quartz from the gold particles
Sketches in the United States. Sunday in a frontier town. AtThe store looks bare, but it is besieged by cowboys and one indian
A Land-rush in the United States. The crowd waiting to takeOnce the Cherokee Indians had been taken off their lands, a land rush was organised where settlers would race to take possession of the land, sometimes shooting rivals in the process