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Planetary Collection

"Exploring the Vastness of Planetary Wonders: A Journey Through Space and Time" Earthrise Photograph

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Earthrise photograph, artwork

Earthrise photograph, artwork
Earthrise photograph. Artwork based on the famous Earthrise photographs taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman and William Anders

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Continental drift after 250 million years

Continental drift after 250 million years, showing the supercontinent of Pangea Ultima, which was named for the ancient supercontinent of Pangea

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Full Moon

Full Moon. The Moon appears full when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun during its orbit, when it presents its full sunlit face to Earth

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager I composite of Saturn & six of its moons

Voyager I composite of Saturn & six of its moons
Voyager 1 composite image of Saturn & six of its moons superimposed on a painted starry sky background. The moon seen large at bottom left is Dione, followed clockwise by Enceladus, Rhea

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar System, artwork

Solar System, artwork
Solar System. Artwork of Earths solar system, showing the planets and other objects that orbit the Sun (upper right). The separations of the orbits are not shown to scale

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Venera 13 photos of surface of Venus

Venera 13 photos of surface of Venus

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Moon rising over Earths horizon

Moon rising over Earths horizon, composite image. The blue haze of Earths atmosphere can be seen above the horizon. Earth is thought to be the only planet in the solar system that can support life

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Earth from space, satellite image

Earth from space, satellite image
Earth from space. Satellite image showing North and South America as seen from 35, 000 kilometres above the Earths surface. North is at top and the Moon is at upper right

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Jupiter and Io, New Horizons image

Jupiter and Io, New Horizons image
Jupiter and Io. Montage of images of Jupiter (left) and its moon Io (right), obtained by the New Horizons spacecraft in February and March 2007 as it passed Jupiter on its way to Pluto

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Neptune, Voyager 2 image

Neptune, Voyager 2 image
Neptune. Neptune is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium with some methane. Seen at centre is the Great Dark Spot, thought to be a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar system

Solar system. Composite computer artwork of the nine planets of the solar system that orbit the Sun (far right). In order of their distance from the Sun and anticlockwise from top right they are

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Far side of the Moon

Far side of the Moon
The Moon, showing part of its far side, photographed from the Apollo 16 spacecraft after its landing on the Moon in April 1972

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon. Composite image showing the Moon at each stage of its 28 day cycle (a lunar month). Along the top row, the Moon is a waxing (growing in apparent size) crescent

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Earth view of the planet Venus with the Moon

Earth view of the planet Venus with the Moon
Venus. Venus (at upper right) with the Moon (at lower right) as seen from Earth. The constellation of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters is at top centre

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar system planets

Solar system planets. Computer artwork of the eight planets of the solar system, which are arrayed from left to right in order of distance from the Sun (left)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: North America at night, satellite image

North America at night, satellite image
Africa at night. Satellite image of the Earth at night, set against a background of stars, centred on the continent of Africa. North is at top. City lights (yellow) show areas of dense population

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Saturns rings, Cassini image

Saturns rings, Cassini image. The rings consist of particles of nearly pure water ice and meteoric dust and span almost 300, 000 kilometres

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Optical image of a waxing gibbous moon

Optical image of a waxing gibbous moon
Waxing gibbous Moon. Optical image of a waxing gibbous Moon. A gibbous Moon is one showing over half the surface. The Moon is said to wax when it is increasing in apparent size

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Waning crescent Moon

Waning crescent Moon. Image 27 of 27. Optical image of a waning (decreasing in apparent size) crescent Moon 27 days into its 28-day cycle

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Earths tectonic plates

Earths tectonic plates. Global map showing the boundaries of the tectonic plates that make up the Earths crust. The eight major plates are the: African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Indian Plate

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Aurora over Antarctica, satellite image

Aurora over Antarctica, satellite image
Aurora over Antarctica, ultraviolet satellite image. Australia is at upper left. This is the aurora australis (green ring), the southern lights display

Background imagePlanetary Collection: CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis

CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596-1665). Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica. 1661. Fol 24. Hemisphaerium stellatum boreale antiquum. Representation of the Northern Hemisphere

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager 1 photo of Jupiter

Voyager 1 photo of Jupiter
Jupiter. Voyager 1 spacecraft photograph of the planet Jupiter. The picture was taken on 17 January 1979 from a distance of 47 million kilometres (29 million miles)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Image of Jupiter taken with the Hubble Telescope

Image of Jupiter taken with the Hubble Telescope
Jupiter as seen from the Hubble Space Telescopes planetary camera on May 28th 1991. This image is a composite of three exposures taken with different filters aimed at studying the dynamics of

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager 1 image of Saturn & three of its moons

Voyager 1 image of Saturn & three of its moons
Photograph of Saturn and its satellites Tethys (outer top left), Enceladus (inner top left) and Mimas (bottom right). It was taken by Voyager 1 on October 30

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Continental drift, 100 million years ago

Continental drift, 100 million years ago. Map of the Earth showing the continents some 100 million years after the start of the break-up of the ancient supercontinent of Pangea

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager mosaic of Jupiter & its 4 Galilean moons R370 / 0003

Voyager mosaic of Jupiter & its 4 Galilean moons R370 / 0003
Mosaic of Voyager spacecraft photographs of Jupiter & its four Galilean moons: Callisto (bottom right), Ganymede (bottom left), Europa (centre) & Io (top left)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar system planets

Solar system planets. Artwork of the eight planets of the solar system arrayed from right to left in order of their distance from the Sun. The size of each planet is to scale

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar system planets and sun

Solar system planets and sun
Solar system. Computer artwork showing the Sun and planets of the Solar System. The planets are arranged in order of distance from the massive Sun (at top)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mars Exploration Rover

Mars Exploration Rover on the surface of Mars, artwork. The first of two identical NASA rovers, Spirit, landed on Mars on 4 January 2004

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Jupiter

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in the solar system. The planet has a rocky core but is mostly composed of liquid and gaseous hydrogen and helium

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Composite image of Jupiter & four of its moons

Composite image of Jupiter & four of its moons
Composite display of Voyager spacecraft images of the planet Jupiter with its satellite moons Io (far left), Europa (immediately below Jupiter), Ganymede (bottom left) and Callisto

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mars Spirit rover

Mars Spirit rover. Computer illustration of the Spirit rover on the surface of Mars. This is one of two identical rovers sent to Mars in 2003

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mars, composite satellite images

Mars, composite satellite images
Mars. Composite satellite images of the surface of Mars from multiple aspects. North is at top. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, and is a rocky desert world

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Moon

The Moon, showing part of its far side, photographed from the departing Apollo 15 spacecraft in August 1971, after its Moon landing

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Australia, satellite image

Australia, satellite image
Australia. Satellite image of the Earth, set against a background of stars, centred on the island continent of Australia. North is at top. Clouds (white) are seen in the atmosphere

Background imagePlanetary Collection: South America at night, satellite image

South America at night, satellite image
South America at night. Satellite image of the Earth at night, set against a background of stars, centred on the continent of South America. North is at top

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Waxing gibbous Moon, computer-enhanced

Waxing gibbous Moon, computer-enhanced image. The colour saturation of this image has been enhanced to accentuate the natural variation in colour of the Moons surface

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Full Moon

Full Moon. The Moon appears full when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun during its orbit, when it presents its full sunlit face to Earth

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Venus radar map, North Pole

Venus radar map, North Pole
Venus radar map, centred on the Venusian North Pole. The map is colour-coded for altitude, going from low altitude (purple) through blue, green, yellow and orange to high altitude (red)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Composite image of the phases of the Moon

Composite image of the phases of the Moon
Moon phases. Time-lapse image of the phases of the Moon, as seen from Earth during a lunar (synodic) month. A full Moon is at centre, with pairs of (from inner to outer) gibbous Moons

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Pioneer-Venus Orbiter photo of Venus

Pioneer-Venus Orbiter photo of Venus
Pioneer-Venus Orbiter photograph of the planet Venus, the second major planet from the Sun & the one that comes closest to the Earth

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Delta mission to the ISS, artwork

Delta mission to the ISS, artwork
Delta mission to the International Space Station (ISS) over the Netherlands, artwork. This mission (April 2004) included Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers and a variety of European science experiments

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Boulton and Watt steam engine with planetary gear

Boulton and Watt steam engine with planetary gear, 1795 Date: 1795

Background imagePlanetary Collection: General view of the engine

General view of the engine Date: 1795

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Transit of Venus 1874

Transit of Venus 1874
A diagram showing the areas of the world which will be able to view the transit of Venus across the face of the sun on the 8th December 1874

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager spacecraft

Voyager spacecraft. Computer artwork of a Voyager spacecraft passing out of our solar system. Two Voyager spacecraft were launched in 1977

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Keck I and II telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Keck I and II telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Keck telescopes. Domes of the Keck I (at left) and Keck II optical telescopes seen at sunset at the Mauna Kea observatory in Hawaii, USA. The Orion constellation is seen above them in the sky

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Beagle 2 landing on Mars

Beagle 2 landing on Mars
Beagle 2 probe landing on Mars, computer artwork. Its heat shield is glowing as it falls through the Martian atmosphere. This British probe was carried to Mars by the European Space Agencys Mars

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Sojourner robotic vehicle on Mars

Sojourner robotic vehicle on Mars
robotic Sojourner rover vehicle on the surface of Mars sampling the large rock known as " Yogi". " Yogi" was the second rock to have its composition studied by Sojourner with its

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Martian landscape

Martian landscape, artwork. Mars is a rocky desert world with no surface water. The red colour of the rocks is due to a high content of iron oxides

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Artwork of ancient Mars with water on its surface

Artwork of ancient Mars with water on its surface
Ancient Mars. Computer artwork of Mars at least 3 billion years ago. The surface environment of ancient Mars was different to that of today, and may have allowed life forms to develop

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mariner 10 mosaic of Mercury

Mariner 10 mosaic of Mercury
Mercury. Mariner 10 spacecraft mosaic image of Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. Areas for which data is missing are blank

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Christmas star as planetary conjunction

Christmas star as planetary conjunction. Artwork of a possible Christmas Star in the night sky of the year 7 BC. Traces of the planetary conjunction of Jupiter

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Kepler Planetary System

Kepler Planetary System
Model of Keplers planetary system

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Artwork of the solar system

Artwork of the solar system
Solar system. Artwork of the solar system, showing the paths (blue lines) of the nine planets as they orbit around the Sun

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Africa, satellite image

Africa, satellite image
Africa. Satellite image of the Earth centred on Africa. Clouds are white, oceans are blue and land is green and brown. Also seen are Europe (top) Asia (upper right), the Indian Ocean (right)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285

Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285
Voyager probe trajectory, artwork. Artwork of the trajectory of one of the Voyager probes as it travels out of the solar system

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Red Hell of Jupiter, Astounding Stories Scifi magazine cover

Red Hell of Jupiter, Astounding Stories Scifi magazine cover
THE RED HELL OF JUPITER - The Planetary Explorers disintegrate the Rogans with the death tube Date: 1931

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Planets internal structures

Planets internal structures, and Pluto, computer artwork. Mercury, Mars and Venus consist of a large iron core (spherical), surrounded by a thick silicate mantle (yellow) covered in a surface crust

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Solar system

Solar system

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Sun and its planets

Sun and its planets. Artwork of the eight planets of the solar system arrayed from left to right in their order from the Sun (far left). The size of the Sun and planets is to scale

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Uranus

Uranus. Hubble Space Telescope image of the planet Uranus, showing its ring system and six of its moons. The bright moon at lower right is Ariel. Five other faint moons are seen around the rings

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Saturn and rings from Voyager 1

Saturn and rings from Voyager 1

Background imagePlanetary Collection: 18th Century astronomical diagrams

18th Century astronomical diagrams. Historical diagrams describing various 18th Century theoretical systems used to describe the motion of the planets in our solar system

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Africa, night-day satellite image

Africa, night-day satellite image. This composite image of the Earth is set against a background of stars, and is centred on the continent of Africa. North is at top

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Geocentric System

Geocentric System
The pre-Copernican system of the Planets - Earth at the centre orbited by the other planets including the sun, and surrounded by the stars

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mars map from 1881

Mars map from 1881
Map of Mars, published in Paris in 1881. The first accurate telescope observations of Mars were made in 1877 and 1881 when Mars was at its closest to Earth (a situation called an opposition)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Viking image of Mars

Viking image of Mars
View of the red, dusty, rock-strewn surface of Mars, taken by the Viking 2 lander

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Valles Marineris, Mars

Valles Marineris, Mars. Artwork of Valles Marineris canyon system on Mars as the sun rises. The Valles Marineris is over 4000 kilometres (km) long, up to 200 km wide and up to 7 km deep

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Mars 96 surface station, artwork

Mars 96 surface station, artwork
Mars 96 surface station. Artwork showing one of the surface stations of the Russian Mars 96 mission landing on Mars after being released from orbit

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Junction Picture

Junction Picture
A medieval missionary finds a place where the Earth touches the Heavens. (Note that this is not a medieval illustration but a very clever 19th century pastiche !)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)

The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)
2798364 The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho) by Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945); Private Collection; (

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Astronomy Diagrams and instruments C017 / 3498

Astronomy Diagrams and instruments C017 / 3498
Plate from 18th century encyclopedia showing illustrations of astronomy diagrams and instruments

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Nuclear-powered spacecraft, artwork

Nuclear-powered spacecraft, artwork
Nuclear-powered spacecraft at Ganymede, computer artwork. Ganymede is one of the moons of Jupiter. The spacecraft is powered by nuclear fusion, the same process that takes place in the Sun

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Leo constellation

Leo constellation with Mars. Optical image of the zodiacal constellation Leo, the lion, seen with the planet Mars (orange, centre)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Saturns rings

Saturns rings. Artwork of the rings of Saturn, as seen from Saturns upper cloud layers. The most visible rings extend outwards from Saturn for around 120, 000 kilometres

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Artwork of Europas surface with Jupiter in sky

Artwork of Europas surface with Jupiter in sky
Europa. Computer artwork of an ice field on the surface of Jupiters moon Europa. Jupiter is prominent in the sky, its rings can just be seen (from far left to far right)

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Triton and Neptune

Triton and Neptune. Computer artwork of a geyser (black) erupting from Triton, the largest moon of Neptune (blue). Triton is the coldest world in the solar system

Background imagePlanetary Collection: The Cat eye Nebula seen from the Hubble Telescope

The Cat eye Nebula seen from the Hubble Telescope
The Cats Eye Nebula. The planetary nebula known as the Cats Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope

Background imagePlanetary Collection: Model of the Mars Pathfinder rover Sojourner

Model of the Mars Pathfinder rover Sojourner
Sojourner. View of a model of the Mars Pathfinder robotic rover vehicle " Sojourner", moving over a surface that mimics Mars. The true rover vehicle landed on Mars on 4 July 1997

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"Exploring the Vastness of Planetary Wonders: A Journey Through Space and Time" Earthrise Photograph: Witnessing the breathtaking beauty of our home planet as it rises above the lunar horizon, reminding us of its fragility and interconnectedness. Continental Drift after 250 Million Years: Marvel at the ever-changing face of our planet, where landmasses have shifted over millions of years, shaping continents as we know them today. Full Moon: Gaze upon the luminous celestial body that has captivated humanity for centuries, illuminating our nights with its ethereal glow. Solar System Artwork: Immerse yourself in an artistic representation showcasing the mesmerizing diversity and intricate dance of planets orbiting around our life-sustaining Sun. Neptune - Voyager 2 Image: Get a glimpse into the mysterious blue realm of Neptune captured by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft, unraveling secrets about this distant gas giant. Saturn & Its Moons - Voyager I Composite Image: Behold a composite image revealing Saturn's majestic rings adorned with six captivating moons, offering a glimpse into this ringed wonderland. Jupiter and Io - New Horizons Image: Explore Jupiter's immense size alongside one of its volcanic moons called Io through an image captured by NASA's New Horizons mission. Earth from Space - Satellite Image: Contemplate our pale blue dot suspended in space as seen from afar—a humbling reminder to cherish and protect our precious home amidst vast cosmic emptiness. Solar System Overview: Embark on a visual journey through our solar system, witnessing diverse worlds ranging from scorching deserts to icy realms teeming with potential for exploration. Phases of the Moon: Observe how Luna gracefully transitions between waxing crescents to full moons and waning gibbous phases—an eternal cycle that has guided civilizations throughout history. Moon Rising Over Earth's Horizon.

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