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Particle Physics Collection

"Unveiling the Mysteries of the Subatomic World: Journey into Particle Physics" Step into the fascinating realm of particle physics

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1797

Proton collision C014 / 1797
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle tracks

Particle tracks
Subatomic particle tracks. Coloured bubble chamber photograph showing tracks left by subatomic particles from a particle accelerator at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory at Geneva

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892

Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892
Higgs boson event. Graphic of a transverse section through a detector showing one of the numerous particle collision events recorded during the search for the Higgs boson

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Bubble chamber photo of sigma particle decay

Bubble chamber photo of sigma particle decay. The sigma lives too briefly to be seen; its presence is deduced from other particles

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs boson, conceptual artwork

Higgs boson, conceptual artwork
Higgs boson, conceptual computer artwork. The Higgs boson is a proposed fundamental particle that is thought to give other particles mass

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Composite image of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs boson, conceptual artwork

Higgs boson, conceptual artwork
Higgs boson, conceptual computer artwork. The Higgs boson is a proposed fundamental particle that is thought to give other particles mass

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator. In these experiments

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Engineer standing on a platform in front of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: First observation of omega-minus particle

First observation of omega-minus particle
This historic photograph from the 80-inch (200cm) bubble chamber at the Brookhaven National Laborat- ory shows the first observation of the omega-minus particle

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: CMS detector, CERN

CMS detector, CERN
CMS detector. Part of the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions. Particle tracks from the first stable run lead ion collisions seen by the ALICE (a large ion collider experiment) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Niels Bohr, caricature

Niels Bohr, caricature
Niels Bohr (1885-1962). Caricature of the Danish physicist Niels Henrik David Bohr, blowing orbiting electrons out of his pipe. Bohr won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator. In these experiments

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Nuclear Fission Artwork

Nuclear Fission Artwork
Nuclear fission. Conceptual computer artwork of an atom being split through nuclear, or atomic, fission (splitting). Electrons (orange) can be seen orbiting the nucleus (centre)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Atomic structure, artwork

Atomic structure, artwork
Atomic structure. Computer artwork of electrons orbiting a central nucleus. This is a classical schematic Bohr model of an atom

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle physics research

Particle physics research. Screenshot of particle tracks as recorded by a detector at a particle accelerator. Particles such as protons are accelerated to near the speed of light to collide with

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs boson, artwork C018 / 0936

Higgs boson, artwork C018 / 0936
Higgs boson. Computer artwork showing a Higgs boson particle, which was formed by the collision of two protons, decaying into a pair of Z bosons, one of which decays to a pair of electrons

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Electron structure of helium atom

Electron structure of helium atom
Electron density of a helium atom. This image represents the quantum cloud of electrons surrounding a helium atom. The colours represent the local electric charge density

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Emulsion photo of decay of kaon into pions

Emulsion photo of decay of kaon into pions
The first observation of the decay of a kaon into 3 pions, recorded in special photographic emulsion by Cecil Powells team at Bristol University in 1948

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: HERA accelerator ring, DESY

HERA accelerator ring, DESY
HERA accelerator ring. View of part of the HERA accelerator at DESY (Deutsche Elektronen Synchro- tron), Hamburg, Germany

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions. Particle tracks from the first lead ion collisions seen by the ALICE (a large ion collider experiment) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4138

British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4138
British theoretical physicist Professor Peter Higgs (b. 1929). In 1964, Higgs predicted the existence of a new type of fundamental particle, commonly called the Higgs boson

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Werner Heisenberg, German physicist C017 / 7123

Werner Heisenberg, German physicist C017 / 7123
Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist. Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on a matrix theory of quantum mechanics

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7664

Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7664
Nuclear fusion, computer artwork. At left are the atomic nuclei of deuterium (top left) and tritium (bottom left). Atomic nuclei consist of protons (white and purple) and neutrons (pink)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Antiproton discovery team

Antiproton discovery team. Group portrait of the team that discovered the antiproton in 1955. Seen here from left to right are; Emilio Segre, Clyde Wiegand

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Model of the ATLAS particle detector C017 / 6987

Model of the ATLAS particle detector C017 / 6987
Lego model of the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) particle detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory). ATLAS sits around the large hadron collider (LHC) particle accelerator

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942

Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding and splitting to produce smaller particles. This is the process used by particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Anti-proton experiment, Berkeley, 1955 C016 / 8832

Anti-proton experiment, Berkeley, 1955 C016 / 8832
Anti-proton experiment. Blackboard showing the provisional results and calculations for a series of experiments carried out in 1955 at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory to discover the antiproton

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle collision

Particle collision. This event takes place in particle accelerators, which are used to accelerate particles (spheres) such as protons to high energies near the speed of light

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Bose-Einstein condensate simulation

Bose-Einstein condensate simulation. Computer simulation of vortices forming within a spinning Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). A BEC is a state of matter that can arise at very low temperatures

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Atomic structure

Atomic structure, computer artwork. Schematic representation of the structure of the atom. At the centre of the model is the nucleus, made up of a tightly packed cluster of protons and neutrons

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle tracks on galaxies

Particle tracks on galaxies
Particle tracks and cosmology. Computer illustration of subatomic particle tracks (white spirals) seen with galaxies behind them

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle tracks on geometric patterns

Particle tracks on geometric patterns
Particle tracks and geometrical patterns. Computer illustration of subatomic particle tracks (white & yellow) and geometrical patterns (pink) on a starfield

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions. Particle tracks from the first lead ion collisions seen by the ALICE (a large ion collider experiment) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Lead ion collision C014 / 1793

Lead ion collision C014 / 1793
Particle tracks from a lead ion collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle accelerator equipment

Particle accelerator equipment. Particle accelerators are used to accelerate atomic nuclei and heavy ions to near the speed of light

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle accelerator

Particle accelerator. Trails (red) of energised particles inside a particle accelerator. Particle accelerators are used to accelerate particles such as protons to near the speed of light

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Nuclear fusion, conceptual artwork

Nuclear fusion, conceptual artwork

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs Boson particle, artwork

Higgs Boson particle, artwork
Higgs Boson particle. Computer artwork of a yellow sphere in a circular chamber with light emanating from behind it. This could represent the Higgs Boson particle being discovered in a particle

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Computer art of a positron-electron collision

Computer art of a positron-electron collision
Positron-electron collision. Computer illustration of an electron (blue) and a positron (red) colliding. The collision produces extremely short- lived B meson and anti-B meson particles (both yellow)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: H1 particle detector

H1 particle detector. Technician working on the H1 detector of the HERA accelerator at DESY (Deutsche Elektronen Synchrotron)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: One of Martin Gerlachs Festons und Decorative Gruppen (b / w photo)

One of Martin Gerlachs Festons und Decorative Gruppen (b / w photo)
7202545 One of Martin Gerlachs Festons und Decorative Gruppen (b/w photo) by Gerlach, Martin senior (1846-1918); Private Collection; (

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Homage to six astronomers

Homage to six astronomers
7243369 Homage to six astronomers. by Mulder, Joseph (1658-c.1728); Private Collection; ( Six astronomers. A homage to astronomers throughout the ages)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: James Watt watching his grandmothers tea kettle boil (colour litho)

James Watt watching his grandmothers tea kettle boil (colour litho)
7185299 James Watt watching his grandmothers tea kettle boil (colour litho) by American School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( James Watt watching his grandmothers tea kettle boil)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Artem Alikhanian, Soviet Armenian physicist (b / w photo)

Artem Alikhanian, Soviet Armenian physicist (b / w photo)
7200789 Artem Alikhanian, Soviet Armenian physicist (b/w photo) by Russian Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Artem Alikhanian (1908-1978), Soviet Armenian physicist

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Sir Isaac Newton (colour litho)

Sir Isaac Newton (colour litho)
7190987 Sir Isaac Newton (colour litho) by English School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Sir Isaac Newton)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Cleopatras Needle, ancient Egyptian obelisk in Heliopolis (engraving)

Cleopatras Needle, ancient Egyptian obelisk in Heliopolis (engraving)
7202558 Cleopatras Needle, ancient Egyptian obelisk in Heliopolis (engraving) by German School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Cleopatras Needle)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Three-way electric plug socket adapter (litho)

Three-way electric plug socket adapter (litho)
7202036 Three-way electric plug socket adapter (litho) by English School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Three-way electric plug socket adapter)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Abram Alikhanov, Soviet Armenian physicist (b / w photo)

Abram Alikhanov, Soviet Armenian physicist (b / w photo)
7200787 Abram Alikhanov, Soviet Armenian physicist (b/w photo) by Russian Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Abram Alikhanov (1904-1970), Soviet Armenian physicist

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Construction of the Pyramids, ancient Egypt (engraving)

Construction of the Pyramids, ancient Egypt (engraving)
7202557 Construction of the Pyramids, ancient Egypt (engraving) by German School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Construction of the Pyramids, ancient Egypt)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Oxygen atomic structure, artwork

Oxygen atomic structure, artwork
Oxygen atomic structure. Computer artwork showing the structure of an oxygen atom. Each oxygen atom contains 8 electrons (blue) orbiting the atomic nucleus (centre)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1816

Proton collision C014 / 1816
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Art of hydrogen atom with electron in orbital

Art of hydrogen atom with electron in orbital
Hydrogen atom. Computer artwork of an atom of the element hydrogen. The atom is shown as a nucleus (a proton, pink), and an electron orbiting in a wavy path (light blue)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: L3 particle detector at CERN

L3 particle detector at CERN
L3 particle detector. View along the accelerator beamline into the L3 particle detector at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Diagram of the structure of the atom

Diagram of the structure of the atom
Diagram representing the structure of the atom. An atom consists of one or more electrons (blue) that whirl about the tiny, central nucleus

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0943

Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0943
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding and splitting to produce smaller particles. This is the process used by particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7666

Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7666
Nuclear fusion, computer artwork. At left are the atomic nuclei of deuterium (top left) and tritium (bottom left). Atomic nuclei consist of protons (white and purple) and neutrons (pink)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Particles in forcefield, artwork

Particles in forcefield, artwork
Conceptual computer artwork depicting particles in a force field

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Scanning tunnelling microscope, artwork F005 / 0813

Scanning tunnelling microscope, artwork F005 / 0813
Scanning tunnelling microscope (STM), computer artwork. The STM uses a fine needle with an electric potential running through it to scan the surface of an object

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1796

Proton collision C014 / 1796
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1804

Proton collision C014 / 1804
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1811

Proton collision C014 / 1811
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Higgs boson event C014 / 1812

Higgs boson event C014 / 1812
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Zero-point energy, artwork C014 / 1245

Zero-point energy, artwork C014 / 1245
Zero-point energy. Artwork representing the concept of zero-point energy, related to that of vacuum energy and quantum fluctuations

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Structure of matter, artwork C018 / 0948

Structure of matter, artwork C018 / 0948
Structure of matter. Computer artwork representing the Standard Model of particle physics. Shown here is a molecule of water (top centre)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1802

Proton collision C014 / 1802
Cut-away view of the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland, showing particle tracks from a proton-proton collision

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1809

Proton collision C014 / 1809
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1814

Proton collision C014 / 1814
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7665

Nuclear fusion, artwork C017 / 7665
Nuclear fusion, computer artwork. At left are the atomic nuclei of deuterium (top left) and tritium (bottom left). Atomic nuclei consist of protons (white and purple) and neutrons (pink)

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4139

British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4139
British theoretical physicist Professor Peter Higgs (b. 1929). In 1964, Higgs predicted the existence of a new type of fundamental particle, commonly called the Higgs boson

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4134

British physicist Prof. Peter Higgs C015 / 4134
British theoretical physicist Professor Peter Higgs (b. 1929). In 1964, Higgs predicted the existence of a new type of fundamental particle, commonly called the Higgs boson

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Fusion reactor, artwork C016 / 7497

Fusion reactor, artwork C016 / 7497
Fusion reactor. Computer artwork of a reactor in which hydrogen fusion is taking place. Nuclear fusion is the joining (fusing) of light elements to form heavier elements

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Double-slit experiment, artwork C018 / 0929

Double-slit experiment, artwork C018 / 0929
Double slit experiment, computer artwork. Laser beams (green) are shone at a plate (centre) containing two slits. The light that passes through is observed on a screen (right) behind the plate

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1813

Proton collision C014 / 1813
Particles-eye view of particle tracks from a proton-proton collision in the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1803

Proton collision C014 / 1803
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Antiproton research, 1958 C014 / 2068

Antiproton research, 1958 C014 / 2068
Antiproton research. US physicists Bruce Cork (left) and Glenn Lamberston (right) at the Bevatron Accelerator that has been configured for antiproton research

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Electron-positron collision C014 / 1799

Electron-positron collision C014 / 1799
Two sets of particle tracks from electron-positron collisions seen by the ALEPH (Apparatus for LEP physics at CERN) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1808

Proton collision C014 / 1808
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1807

Proton collision C014 / 1807
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1798

Proton collision C014 / 1798
Cut-away view of the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland, showing particle tracks from a proton-proton collision

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1806

Proton collision C014 / 1806
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Antineutron discovery team, 1956 C014 / 2067

Antineutron discovery team, 1956 C014 / 2067
Antineutron discovery team, working on the focus magnet of the Bevatron Accelerator, the machine they used to create and detect the anti-particle of the neutron

Background imageParticle Physics Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1815

Proton collision C014 / 1815
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

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"Unveiling the Mysteries of the Subatomic World: Journey into Particle Physics" Step into the fascinating realm of particle physics, where invisible forces shape our universe. Witness the intricate dance of particles through mesmerizing particle tracks, revealing their elusive nature. Behold a captivating bubble chamber photo capturing the decay of a sigma particle, unraveling its secrets one frame at a time. Marvel at the sheer power unleashed in proton collision C014 / 1797, as particles collide with unimaginable energy. Delve deeper into groundbreaking discoveries with an awe-inspiring Higgs boson event captured by ATLAS detector C013 / 6892. Explore the cutting-edge technology employed at CERN's ATLAS detector to unlock the mysteries hidden within subatomic realms. Immerse yourself in conceptual artwork depicting the enigmatic Higgs boson and witness humanity's quest to understand its significance. Celebrate history being made as we observe for the first time ever, omega-minus particle - unveiling new dimensions in our understanding of matter. Discover another marvel in CMS detector at CERN - an instrument pushing boundaries and expanding human knowledge. Engage your imagination with conceptual artwork showcasing Higgs boson's profound impact on our understanding of fundamental particles. Experience a vivid portrayal of scientists' relentless pursuit depicted through stunning artwork capturing thrilling particle physics experiments that challenge conventional wisdom. Pay homage to Niels Bohr, father figure of quantum mechanics, through his caricature - symbolizing his immense contributions towards shaping this field and inspiring generations to come. From lead ion collisions generating mind-boggling energies to revolutionary discoveries that redefine scientific frontiers – Particle Physics is an endless voyage filled with wonderment and limitless possibilities. Embark on this extraordinary journey today.

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