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Micrograph Collection

EDITORS COMMENTSExploring the intricate world of micrographs

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Copper and magnesium sulphate, LM

Copper and magnesium sulphate, LM
Copper and magnesium sulphate crystals. Polarised light micrograph (LM) of copper sulphate (CuSO4) and magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) crystals

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Myelination of nerve fibres, TEM

Myelination of nerve fibres, TEM
Myelination of nerve fibres. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of Schwann cells (blue, with brown nuclei) insulating nerve fibres (axons, pink) with a myelin sheath

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Crysotile asbestos

Crysotile asbestos
Scanning electron micrograph of 5-Fold symmetry in crysotile asbestos. Magnification on the 5 x4 transparency = X 600, 000

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Liver

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a section through a liver (x 7000), an organ that has over 500 functions in the human body (x 800)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Taraxacum officinale, dandelion (fruiting head)

Taraxacum officinale, dandelion (fruiting head)
Scanning electron microscope image showing a vertical section through an unripe fruiting head of a dandelion in the yellow flower stage. Colour added artificially by computer

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Cimex lectularius, bed bug

Cimex lectularius, bed bug
Scanning electron microscope image of a bed bug (x 17). The sucking mouthparts enable the feeding bedbugs to pierce the hosts tissues and siphon out a blood meal

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Synapse nerve junction, TEM

Synapse nerve junction, TEM
Synapse. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a synapse, a junction between two nerve cells, in the brain

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Discosphaera tubifera, coccolithophore

Discosphaera tubifera, coccolithophore
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showing the unicellular planktonic algae Discosphaera tubifera from the North Atlantic surrounded by a sphere of calcite plates - coccoliths

Background imageMicrograph Collection: C. elegans worms, light micrograph

C. elegans worms, light micrograph
C. elegans worms. Confocal laser scanning micrograph of Caenorhabditis elegans worms. Neurons (nerve cells) are green and the digestive tract is red. C

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Simulium damnosum, Simulian blackfly

Simulium damnosum, Simulian blackfly
Scanning electron microscope image of the head showing the compound eye (x 130). The fly is a vector of a parasite which causes River Blindness. Coloured artifically by computer

Background imageMicrograph Collection: E. coli bacteria

E. coli bacteria
False-colour transmission electron micrograph of the bacterium Escherichia coli, a normal inhabitant of the human intestine

Background imageMicrograph Collection: MRSA resistant Staphylococcus bacteria

MRSA resistant Staphylococcus bacteria
MRSA: resistant Staphylococcus bacteria. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a deadly cluster of MRSA Staphylococcus aureus bacteria

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Copper sulphate crystals, LM

Copper sulphate crystals, LM
Copper sulphate crystals. Polarised light micrograph (LM) of copper sulphate (CuSO4) crystals

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Snail teeth

Snail teeth

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Silicon crystal, light micrograph

Silicon crystal, light micrograph
Light micrograph taken with episcopic lighting and Normarski Interference Contrast (DIC) of a specimen of pure 99.999999 Silicon

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Plasmodium sp. malarial parasite

Plasmodium sp. malarial parasite
Scanning electron microscope image of a malarial protozoal parasite. The parasite requires the anopheles mosquito to complete its life cycle

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Dermatophagoides sp. dust mite

Dermatophagoides sp. dust mite
Scanning electron microscope image of a dust mite. Dust mites are secondary to pollen as a cause for allergies and they live in bedding, soft furniture and carpets

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675585

Picture No. 11675585
Scanning Electron micrograph (SEM)showing stomata on a Yew Leaf. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675528

Picture No. 11675528
Mouse Embryo at Eight Cell Stage. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675527

Picture No. 11675527
Mouse Embryo at Four Cell Stage & a Polar Body. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675526

Picture No. 11675526
Mouse Embryo at Two Cell Stage & a Polar Body. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675525

Picture No. 11675525
Mouse Embryo at Single Cell Stage and Polar Body. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675522

Picture No. 11675522
A human Ovum surrounded by Sperm - being fertilized. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675478

Picture No. 11675478
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Freshwater Diatom, Cyclotella meneghiniana. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675613

Picture No. 11675613
Dark Field Light Micrograph: Scabies Mite. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675612

Picture No. 11675612
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Human White and Red Blood Cells. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675599

Picture No. 11675599
Dark Field Light Micrograph: Lancet Liver Fluke. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 10876997

Picture No. 10876997
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Human Skin with Hair Follicles Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Kaolinite

Scanning electron microscope image of kaolinite (x 4.00K). Its a common phyllosilicate mineral, its structure is composed of silicate sheets bonded to aluminum oxide/hydroxide layers

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Sarcoptes scabiei, scabies mite

Sarcoptes scabiei, scabies mite
Scanning electron microscope image of an itch or scabies mite, a parasite that infests a wide variety of mammalian hosts including humans

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Sugar crystals, ordinary table sugar, photomicrography

Sugar crystals, ordinary table sugar, photomicrography

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Meteorite Jepara, thin section, LM

Meteorite Jepara, thin section, LM
Polarized light micrograph of a thin section of the meteorite Jepara, found in Java, Indonesia in 2008

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Collagen fibres

Collagen fibres. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a section through healthy collagen fibres from human skin

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675582

Picture No. 11675582
Scanning Electron micrograph (SEM): Lily Pollen grains. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11675628

Picture No. 11675628
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Stomata of Yew Leaf. Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Scanning electron micrograph of a human T cell

Scanning electron micrograph of a human T cell
Scanning electron micrograph of a human T lymphocyte (also called a T cell) from the immune system of a healthy donor

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 10873704

Picture No. 10873704
Sleeping Sickness Parasite in red blood cells (Trypanosoma sp. ) Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Human red blood corpuscles

Human red blood corpuscles
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) of red blood cells showing their characteristic biconcave shape which increases the surface area for diffusion

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Scyliorhinus canicula, dogfish

Scyliorhinus canicula, dogfish
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the scales of a dogfish (x 40)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Helicobacter pylori bacteria

Helicobacter pylori bacteria
False-colour transmission electron micrograph of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (formerly called Campylobacter pyloridis)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Copper sulphate crystals, LM

Copper sulphate crystals, LM
Copper sulphate crystals. Polarised light micrograph (LM) of copper sulphate (CuSO4) crystals

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Oxytocin hormone crystals, LM C016 / 7195

Oxytocin hormone crystals, LM C016 / 7195
Oxytocin. Polarised light micrograph of crystals of the female hormone oxytocin. In women this hormone is secreted naturally by the pituitary gland

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Aspergillus

An SEM image of aspergillus in spore production (x 815 on a standard 9 cm wide print). The moulds are common in the northern hemisphere and some cause disease in humans and animals

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Caterpillar egg

Caterpillar egg
Scanning electron microscope image of a caterpillar egg (x 90), the caterpillar emerges by chewing through the shell (x 350)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Blackfly antenna

Blackfly antenna
Scanning electron microscope image of a blackfly antenna (x 350). These long sensory organs feel and taste objects as well as sensing vibrations and smells (x 1.1K)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Globorotalia scitula, foraminifera fossil

Globorotalia scitula, foraminifera fossil
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image showing a fossilised planktonic species of foraminifera

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Anopheles gambiae, mosquito

Anopheles gambiae, mosquito
Scanning electron microscope image showing a close-up of the compound eye of a female mosquito (x 2200 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Morpho menelaus, blue morpho

Morpho menelaus, blue morpho
Scanning electron microscope image of the wing scales from the wing of a South American blue morpho butterfly (x 670 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Nerve cell, TEM

Nerve cell, TEM
Nerve cell. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a nerve cell body in cross- section. The cell has a large nucleus (yellow) and inner nucleolus (red)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Myelinated nerve, TEM

Myelinated nerve, TEM
Myelinated nerve. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of myelinated nerve fibres and Schwann cells

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Mitochondrion, TEM

Mitochondrion, TEM
Mitochondrion. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of mitochondria (green/blue) in heart muscle. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Emiliana huxleyi, coccolith

Emiliana huxleyi, coccolith
Scanning electron microscope image of a complete sphere of coccoliths from modern oceans. These are thin calcite shells protecting the coccolithophore within

Background imageMicrograph Collection: T2 cell culture

T2 cell culture
Scanning electron microscope image showing a T2 cell culture (x 4K)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Copper and magnesium sulphate

Copper and magnesium sulphate
Copper sulphate and magnesium sulphate crystals, polarised light micrograph

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Copper and magnesium sulphate, LM

Copper and magnesium sulphate, LM
Copper and magnesium sulphate crystals. Polarised light micrograph (LM) of copper sulphate (CuSO4) and magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) crystals

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Light Micrograph (LM) of a longitudinal section of stem showing xylem elements of Crown of Thorns

Light Micrograph (LM) of a longitudinal section of stem showing xylem elements of Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia splendens), magnification x1200

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Microscope image of the Pasamonte eucrite

Microscope image of the Pasamonte eucrite
Microscopic image of the Pasamonte eucrite showing a basaltic texture. Field of view is 2.5mm across

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) shows a number of cytomegalovirus virions present in an unknown tissue sample

Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) shows a number of cytomegalovirus virions present in an unknown tissue sample

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Microglia cells stained with Rio Hortega's silver carbonate method in the grey matter of the brain

Microglia cells stained with Rio Hortega's silver carbonate method in the grey matter of the brain

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Heliansthus stem micrograph

Heliansthus stem micrograph Light photomicrograph of Helianthus stem cross section seen through microscope

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Scanning electron micrograph Streptococcus pneumoniae

Scanning electron micrograph Streptococcus pneumoniae Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Gram-positive Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria

Background imageMicrograph Collection: The liar

The liar
Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a deer ked (Lipoptena cervi). L

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Irresistible

Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a hoverfly, also called flower fly or syrphid fly (family Syrphidae)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014634

Picture No. 11014634
Common Frog - mid stage of tadpole development Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 85 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) - Gills are resorbed and jaws better developed

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014629

Picture No. 11014629
Caddis Fly Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 20 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) - Caddis flies spend most of their lives as aquatic larvae in ponds and streams

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014630

Picture No. 11014630
Cheese Mite Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 350 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) (Tyrolichus casei) Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014628

Picture No. 11014628
Caenorhabditis elegans Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 1750 (if print A4 size)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014626

Picture No. 11014626
Bumblebee Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x30 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) (Bombus terrestris) Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014624

Picture No. 11014624
Escherishia Coli Bacteria / E

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014620

Picture No. 11014620
Mosquito Larvae Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x40 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) - The malarial mosquito larvae live in pools and puddles; almost any standing water will do

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014623

Picture No. 11014623
Black Garden Ant Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x120 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) (Lasius niger) Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014622

Picture No. 11014622
Mosquito Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x90 (if print A4 size: 29.7 cm wide) - Portrait of the malarial mosquito showing the antenae and palps

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014616

Picture No. 11014616
Sunflower Pollen Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x15

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014592

Picture No. 11014592
Aconite Anther - with pollen Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 11150 (if print A4 size)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 11014591

Picture No. 11014591
Aconite Anther - with pollen Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Magnification x 450 (if print A4 size)

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Picture No. 10873637

Picture No. 10873637
Human Head Louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) Date:

Background imageMicrograph Collection: The anus of a bot fly

The anus of a bot fly
Scanning electron microscope image of the anus of a bot fly. Image on display in the Darwin Centre at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicrograph Collection: Roundworm

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a parasitic roundworms head (x 1000 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

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Exploring the intricate world of micrographs: From synapse nerve junctions captured through TEM to the mesmerizing beauty of copper and magnesium sulphate under LM. Witness the delicate structure of Discosphaera tubifera, a coccolithophore, or marvel at the dangerous Crysotile asbestos fibers. Delve into the inner workings of a liver cell or encounter the notorious Cimex lectularius, better known as bed bugs. Admire the ethereal dandelion fruiting head, Taraxacum officinale, or study Simulium damnosum, a Simulian blackfly responsible for river blindness. Uncover E. coli bacteria's microscopic realm or be amazed by snail teeth that defy their size. Behold a stunning silicon crystal in all its glory through light micrography and observe C. elegans worms navigating their environment with grace. These glimpses into unseen worlds remind us of nature's complexity and endless wonders.

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