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At Nest Collection

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Bald Eagle - at nest with chicks Western North America

Bald Eagle - at nest with chicks Western North America
TOM-654 Bald EAGLE at nest Western North America Haliaeetus leucocephalus Tom & Pat Leeson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Naked Mole Rat underground. Digs with its incisor teeth

Naked Mole Rat underground. Digs with its incisor teeth
PM-10590 Naked Mole Rat underground Dry areas North East Africa. Heterocephalus glaber Digs with its incisor teeth. Blind

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Harris's Hawk - on nest Sanguaro Desert, Arizona, USA

Harris's Hawk - on nest Sanguaro Desert, Arizona, USA
CAN-595 HARRIS HAWK - on nest in saguaro cactus, with chicks Sonoran Desert, Arizona

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Pet Rat In house / bed

Pet Rat In house / bed
JD-16908 Pet RAT - in bed in cage John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Bullfinch - male & female pair at nest with young

Bullfinch - male & female pair at nest with young
JAB-578 Bullfinch - male & female pair at nest with young Pyrrhula pyrrhula Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tarantula / Bird-eating Spider - at nest carrying egg cocoon

Tarantula / Bird-eating Spider - at nest carrying egg cocoon
LB-10906 Tarantula / Bird-eating Spider - at nest carrying egg cocoon Ian Beames Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Mole - eating worm undergound

Mole - eating worm undergound
JD-13175 European / Common MOLE - eats worm in hole underground Talpa europaea John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Mole

USH-55 MOLE - burrowing out of mole hill Talpa europaea Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Little Penguin - Also called Fairy Little Blue or Southern Blue Penguin

Little Penguin - Also called Fairy Little Blue or Southern Blue Penguin
CAN-2910 Little Penguin - Also called Fairy Little Blue or Southern Blue Penguin. Smallest penguin

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Wren - adult feeding offspring at nest

Wren - adult feeding offspring at nest
USH-910 WREN - Adult feeding offspring at nest Troglodytes troglodytes Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Goodman's Mouse Lemur in the nest - new species discovered in Aug 2005 - Masoala National Park - Madagascar

Goodman's Mouse Lemur in the nest - new species discovered in Aug 2005 - Masoala National Park - Madagascar
MAR-1310 Goodman's Mouse Lemur in the nest - Masoala National Park - Madagascar Microcebus lehilahytsara new species discovered in Aug 2005 Thomas Marent Please note that prints are for personal

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Honey Bees - on comb & brood cells

Honey Bees - on comb & brood cells
JLM-8126 Honeybees and Brood Cells Apis mellifera John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Jaguar - female, with 2 day old cub in forest floor den. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil

Jaguar - female, with 2 day old cub in forest floor den. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil
NG-1234 Jaguar - female, with 2 day old cub in forest floor den. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
CAN-3062 Great Horned Owl - with young in nest in Saguaro Cactus Arizona, USA Bubo virginianus The "Cat Owl" a really large owl with ear tufts or "horns"

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Badger - young Lincolnshire, UK

Badger - young Lincolnshire, UK
GET-56 BADGER - young sitting at sett entrance Lincolnshire, UK Meles meles Geoff Trinder Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Kestrel / Falcon - at nest, head on, both eyes visible

Kestrel / Falcon - at nest, head on, both eyes visible
WAT-5453 KESTREL - at nest, head on, both eyes visible. Falco tinnunculus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: African Hoopoe - In flight - feeding brooding partner

African Hoopoe - In flight - feeding brooding partner
PS-4165 African Hoopoe - In flight - feeding brooding partner Upupa epops Peter Steyn Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tawny Owl - in flight, towards nest

Tawny Owl - in flight, towards nest
WC-45-C Tawny Owl - in flight, towards nest Strix aluco Werner Curth Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl
FG-10431 Burrowing Owl - six on ground Athene cunicularia Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: young wild rabbits, Austria

young wild rabbits, Austria
SM-2815 Wild Rabbits - young Austria Oryctolagus cuniculus Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Eastern Bluebird - male at nest box Hamden, Connecticut, USA

Eastern Bluebird - male at nest box Hamden, Connecticut, USA
JZ-315 Eastern Bluebird - male at nest box Hamden, Connecticut, USA Sialia sialis Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Osprey - coming in to land at nest Cypress Lake, florida, USA BI001350

Osprey - coming in to land at nest Cypress Lake, florida, USA BI001350
COS-1132 Osprey - coming in to land at nest Cypress Lake, Florida

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Cuckoo - young in Reed Warbler nest being feed - UK

Cuckoo - young in Reed Warbler nest being feed - UK
MAW-78 Cuckoo - young in nest being fed by Reed Warbler UK Cuculus canorus Cuckoos are brood parasites Maurice Walker Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Common mud-dauber wasp - female closing a cell in which she has laid one or more eggs and a paralysed spider as food

Common mud-dauber wasp - female closing a cell in which she has laid one or more eggs and a paralysed spider as food
AUS-423 Common mud-dauber wasp - female closing a cell in which she has laid one or more eggs and a paralysed spider as food

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest

Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest
WAT-8833 Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest Parus caeruleus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Mole - in underground hole

Mole - in underground hole
JD-13173 Mole - in underground hole Talpa europaea John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Regal Horned Lizard Female, constructing nest. Arizona, USA

Regal Horned Lizard Female, constructing nest. Arizona, USA
CAN-2100 Regal Horned Lizard - Female, constructing nest. Arizona, USA

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Goldfinch - pair with young in nest, May. West Sussex, UK

Goldfinch - pair with young in nest, May. West Sussex, UK
MAW-46 BIRD - Pair of Goldfinches with young in nest in May West Sussex

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Canada Goose - Female sitting on nest-The most common and best-known goose

Canada Goose - Female sitting on nest-The most common and best-known goose
CAN-2134 Canada Goose - Female sitting on nest New York, USA Branta canadensis John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Eastern Screech-Owl - in owl box. January, CT

Eastern Screech-Owl - in owl box. January, CT
JZ-2903 Eastern Screech-Owl - in owl box January, CT, USA Otus asio Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Chicken Hen with eggs

Chicken Hen with eggs
JD-16927 CHICKEN - Hen with eggs John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Olive Ridley / Golfina Turtle - hatchlings approach sea - after sundown the nests hatch

Olive Ridley / Golfina Turtle - hatchlings approach sea - after sundown the nests hatch
JVG-2939 Olive Ridley / Golfina TURTLE - Hatchlings approach sea Orissa Coast, India. Lepidochelys olivacea Hatchlings - After sundown the nests hatch and the turtles head for the sea in daylight

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tree Swallow - adult feeding young at nest box - June - CT - USA

Tree Swallow - adult feeding young at nest box - June - CT - USA
JZ-3830 Tree Swallow - adult feeding young at nest box June - CT - USA Tachycineta bicolor Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageAt Nest Collection: young wild rabbits, Austria

young wild rabbits, Austria
SM-2809 Wild Rabbits - young Austria Oryctolagus cuniculus Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Pheasant-tailed Jacana / Lotus Bird / Lily Trotter - male at nest - Sri Lanka

Pheasant-tailed Jacana / Lotus Bird / Lily Trotter - male at nest - Sri Lanka
JVG-901 Pheasant-tailed Jacana / Lotus Bird / Lily Trotter - male at nest Sri Lanka

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Bittern Bird RES 155 Hiding in reeds Botaurus stellaris © George Reszeter / ARDEA LONDON

Bittern Bird RES 155 Hiding in reeds Botaurus stellaris © George Reszeter / ARDEA LONDON
RES-155 BITTERN - at nest, in reeds Sky pointing Botaurus stellaris George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Hedgehog - juvenile burrowing into pile of garden leaves for hibernation - September - Norfolk England

Hedgehog - juvenile burrowing into pile of garden leaves for hibernation - September - Norfolk England
FEU-688 Hedgehog - juvenile burrowing into pile of garden leaves for hibernation September - Norfolk England Erinaceus europaeus Geoff du Feu Please note that prints are for personal display purposes

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Puffin - near nest burrow - Skomer - UK 007492

Puffin - near nest burrow - Skomer - UK 007492
BB-1813 Puffin - near nest burrow Skomer - UK Fratercula atctica Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Southern Tamandua or Lesser Anteater - with termite nest Belize

Southern Tamandua or Lesser Anteater - with termite nest Belize
MAR-208 Southern Tamandua or Lesser Anteater - with termite nest Belize Tamandua tetradactyla Thomas Marent Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Adelie Penguin - sitting on nest made from pebbles. Brown Bluff - Antarctic Peninsula

Adelie Penguin - sitting on nest made from pebbles. Brown Bluff - Antarctic Peninsula
WAT-13622 Adelie Penguin - sitting on nest made from pebbles Brown Bluff - Antarctic Peninsula Pygoscelis adeliae M

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Mountain Bluebird Male. At nest

Mountain Bluebird Male. At nest
WW-1961 Mountain Bluebird - Male. At nest Sialia currucoides Bonnie Weisser Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Black-tailed Prairie Dog - adult alert at burrow entrance

Black-tailed Prairie Dog - adult alert at burrow entrance
USH-582 Black-tailed PRAIRIE DOG - adult looking out of burrow entrance Cynomys ludovicianus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Valley Pocket Gopher - punching dirt from burrow

Valley Pocket Gopher - punching dirt from burrow
KF-8882 Valley Pocket Gopher - punching dirt from burrow Thomomys bottae Kenneth W Fink Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Piping Plover - on nest with eggs Threatened species

Piping Plover - on nest with eggs Threatened species
JZ-277 Piping Plover- nest with eggs Charadrius melodus Threatened species Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Mountain Bluebird male at nest box Wyoming, USA

Mountain Bluebird male at nest box Wyoming, USA
JZ-1860 Mountain Bluebird male at nest box Wyoming, USA Sialia currucoides Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Hedgehog - visiting hibernation box

Hedgehog - visiting hibernation box
JD-15871 Hedgehog - visiting hibernation box Erinaceus europaeus John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tasmanian devil - pair of young at den entrance Tasmania, Australia GST00344

Tasmanian devil - pair of young at den entrance Tasmania, Australia GST00344
AUS-1827 Tasmanian devil - pair of young at den entrance Tasmania

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Stoat - 5 weeks old young in lair

Stoat - 5 weeks old young in lair
AEB-1858 STOAT / Ermine / Short-tailed weasel - 5 weeks old young in lair Mustela erminea Distribution: Common throughout UK and Ireland

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Black Woodpecker - male bird at nest entrance with offspring Lower Saxony, Germany

Black Woodpecker - male bird at nest entrance with offspring Lower Saxony, Germany
USH-2634 Black Woodpecker - male bird at nest entrance with offspring Lower Saxony

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Bald Eagle - at nest feeding young. Alaska

Bald Eagle - at nest feeding young. Alaska
TOM-631 Bald EAGLE at nest, with young Alaska, USA Haliaeetus leucocephalus Tom & Pat Leeson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Osprey - Female on Nest with Chicks Pandion haliaetus Finland BI014909

Osprey - Female on Nest with Chicks Pandion haliaetus Finland BI014909
COS-2459 Osprey - Female on Nest with Chicks Finland Pandion haliaetus Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Garden Spider In dew covered web at sunrise Norfolk UK

Garden Spider In dew covered web at sunrise Norfolk UK
FEU-52 Garden Spider - In dew covered web at sunrise Norfolk UK Araneus diadematus Geoff du Feu Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Lesser Whitehroat - female at nest feeding young

Lesser Whitehroat - female at nest feeding young
JAB-3276 Lesser Whitethroat - female at nest feeding young Sylvia curruca Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Whitethroat - at nest feeding young

Whitethroat - at nest feeding young
JAB-1281 Whitethroat - at nest feeding young Sylvia communis Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Great Blue Heron - pair at nest, Southern Florida, USA

Great Blue Heron - pair at nest, Southern Florida, USA
CLA-449 Great Blue HERONS - pair at nest, Southern Florida, USA Ardea Herodius Mary Clay Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Grey Wagtail - pair at nest with young

Grey Wagtail - pair at nest with young
LBO-573 Grey Wagtail - pair at nest with young Motacilla cinerea Ian Beames Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Sedge Warbler MAW 15 At nest with young, Sussex © Maurice Walker / ARDEA LONDON

Sedge Warbler MAW 15 At nest with young, Sussex © Maurice Walker / ARDEA LONDON
MAW-15 Sedge Warbler - At nest with young Sussex, UK Maurice Walker Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Timber Rattlesnakes - Gravid females basking to bring young to term

Timber Rattlesnakes - Gravid females basking to bring young to term
CAN-2117 Timber Rattlesnakes - Gravid females basking to bring young to term also with Common Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis amongst rattlers Northeastern USA Crotalus horridus Venomous pitvipers

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Wood Warbler - at nest with young

Wood Warbler - at nest with young
JAB-2986 Wood Warbler - at nest with young Phylloscopus sibilatrix Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Waved Albatros Espagnola Island. Galapagos Islands

Waved Albatros Espagnola Island. Galapagos Islands
WAT-10415 Waved Albatross Espagnola Island. Galapagos Islands Diomedea irrorata M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tree Sparrow - at entrance of nest box - Lower Saxony - Germany

Tree Sparrow - at entrance of nest box - Lower Saxony - Germany
USH-4783 Tree Sparrow - at entrance of nest box Lower Saxony - Germany Passer montanus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Gentoo Penguin - with chicks

Gentoo Penguin - with chicks
JPF-8768 GENTOO PENGUIN - adult and young Antarctic Peninsula Pygoscelis papua Jean Paul Ferrero Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Marsh Owl - with prey in mouth - at nest - South Africa

Marsh Owl - with prey in mouth - at nest - South Africa
CH-3962 Marsh OWL - with prey for chick South Africa Asio capensis Clem Haagner Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Honey Buzzard - at nest with young

Honey Buzzard - at nest with young
GRO-53 HONEY BUZZARD - at nest, with chicks Pernis apivorus Guy Robbrecht Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Honey Buzzard - adult at nest with chicks

Honey Buzzard - adult at nest with chicks
GRO-56 HONEY BUZZARD - at nest, with chicks Pernis apivorus Guy Robbrecht Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Racoon - babies in hollow log - Northeastern USA

Racoon - babies in hollow log - Northeastern USA
CLA-536 Raccoon - babies in hollow log Northeastern USA. Procyon lotor Mary Clay Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tawny Owl - nesting in chimney, Lower Saxony, Germany

Tawny Owl - nesting in chimney, Lower Saxony, Germany
USH-3739 Tawny Owl - nesting in chimney Lower Saxony, Germany Strix aluco Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Budgerigar - adult sitting on a hollow eucalypt tree branch in which the nest with it's young ones is located

Budgerigar - adult sitting on a hollow eucalypt tree branch in which the nest with it's young ones is located
SAS-967 Budgerigar - adult sitting on a hollow eucalypt tree branch in which the nest with it's young ones is located

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Peregrine Falcon - adult warms a chick after feeding him in the nest

Peregrine Falcon - adult warms a chick after feeding him in the nest
ANZ-1296 Peregrine Falcon - adult warms a chick after feeding him in the nest (a single chick because of the bad year due to the lack of lemmings as food, a natural fluctuation)

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Rough-legged Buzzards - young at the nest - very close to leaving the nest

Rough-legged Buzzards - young at the nest - very close to leaving the nest
ANZ-1270 Rough-legged Buzzards - young at the nest - very close to leaving the nest. nest in low rocks in tundra near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Black-footed ferret Eastern Montana. MI779

Black-footed ferret Eastern Montana. MI779
TOM-1447 Black-footed ferret Eastern Montana, USA Mustela nigripes Tom & Pat Leeson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Merlin - incubating

Merlin - incubating
RV-361 Merlin - incubating Richard Vaughan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Yellow-eyed Penguin adult and chick interacting by adult caring for its chick's plumage Otago Peninsula

Yellow-eyed Penguin adult and chick interacting by adult caring for its chick's plumage Otago Peninsula
SAS-720 Yellow-eyed Penguin - adult and chick interacting by adult caring for its chick's plumage Otago Peninsula, South Island

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Magellanic Penguin colony Cabo dos Bahias Provincial Reserve

Magellanic Penguin colony Cabo dos Bahias Provincial Reserve
FG-ea-764 Magellanic Penguin colony Cabo dos Bahias Provincial Reserve, Chubut Province, Patagonia

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Barn Owl - at entrance of nesting hole, Northumberland, UK

Barn Owl - at entrance of nesting hole, Northumberland, UK
USH-2484 Barn Owl - at entrance of nesting hole Northumberland, UK Tyto alba Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Blue Tit - parents feeding 16 day old chicks

Blue Tit - parents feeding 16 day old chicks
UB-75 BLUE TIT - Feeding 16 day old chicks Parus caeruleus Uno Berggren Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Western Bluebird - Male, bringing insect back to young in nest box

Western Bluebird - Male, bringing insect back to young in nest box
TOM-1135 Western Bluebird - Male, bringing insect back to young in nest box. Columbia River Gorge, North America

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Great Egret / Common Egret - adult feeding youg crayfish or crawfish at nest

Great Egret / Common Egret - adult feeding youg crayfish or crawfish at nest
TOM-1069 Great Egret / Common Egret - adult feeding youg crayfish or crawfish at nest Southern U.S

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Asiatic Black Bear - Japanese sub species

Asiatic Black Bear - Japanese sub species
MI-666 Asiatic Black Bear - Japanese sub species Selenarctos thibetanus japonicus Masahiro Iijima Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Blacktail Praire Dog

Blacktail Praire Dog
FG-855 Black-tailed Praire Dog Cynomys ludovicianus Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Rook - Roosting in tops of trees in winter Suffolk UK

Rook - Roosting in tops of trees in winter Suffolk UK
FEU-151 Rook - Roosting in tops of trees in winter Suffolk UK Corvus frugilegus Geoff du Feu Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Tricolored Heron - Louisiana - On nest with egg -Common inhabitant of salt marshes and mangrove swamps of the east

Tricolored Heron - Louisiana - On nest with egg -Common inhabitant of salt marshes and mangrove swamps of the east
CAN-2937 Tricolored Heron - on nest with egg Louisiana, USA Egretta tricolor Common inhabitant of salt marshes and mangrove swamps of the east and gulf coasts

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Nest of Redwing. Varanger - Norway

Nest of Redwing. Varanger - Norway
WAT-12316 Nest of Redwing Varanger - Norway Turdus iliacus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAt Nest Collection: Blue-Footed Booby - with egg. Espagnola Island - Galapagos

Blue-Footed Booby - with egg. Espagnola Island - Galapagos
WAT-10454 Blue-Footed Booby - with egg Espagnola Island - Galapagos Islands Sula nebouxii M

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"In the Depths of Darkness: Unveiling the Hidden World 'At Nest'" Journey into the mysterious underground realm, where Naked Mole Rats tirelessly dig with their incisor teeth, creating intricate tunnels in dry areas of North East Africa. Witness the remarkable resilience of a Blind Harris's Hawk perched on its nest amidst the arid Sanguaro Desert in Arizona, USA – a testament to nature's adaptability. Find comfort and companionship as a Pet Rat cozily settles into its house and bed, reminding us that even small creatures seek warmth and security. Delve beneath the surface alongside an elusive Mole as it devours a worm in its subterranean habitat, showcasing nature's ingenious hunters. Observe with awe as a diligent Wren adult selflessly feeds its offspring at their cozy nest – an intimate glimpse into parental devotion among avian species. Marvel at the strength and determination of a Tarantula/Bird-eating Spider meticulously carrying its precious egg cocoon to safety within its intricately woven web nest. Witness pure harmony as male and female Bullfinches diligently tend to their young ones nestled safely within their carefully constructed nest – love knows no bounds in this feathered family affair. Embark on an extraordinary journey through time when Goodman's Mouse Lemur was discovered nesting in Masoala National Park, Madagascar – unveiling new wonders hidden within our world. Lock eyes with a majestic Kestrel/Falcon guarding its nest head-on; both eyes piercingly focused on protecting future generations from any potential threats lurking nearby. Experience heartwarming innocence as young Badgers playfully explore their Lincolnshire den under watchful parental guidance - epitomizing familial bonds found across species boundaries. Discover bustling teamwork inside honey bee colonies where bees meticulously attend to comb & brood cells - showcasing nature’s perfect harmony and industriousness.

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