Anaesthetic Collection
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"Unveiling the Wonders of Anaesthetic: A Journey through Time and Science" Inhibiting an ion channel C015 / 6718, anaesthetics have revolutionized medical procedures by inducing temporary loss of sensation. The story begins with Horace Wells, whose discovery in the early 19th century led to the birth of modern anaesthesia. During the 1840s, Simpson dedicated himself to researching anaesthetics, paving the way for their widespread use. Before and after images of cosmetic surgery showcase how these substances have transformed surgical outcomes and patient experiences. Humphry Davy, an English chemist, played a crucial role in understanding the effects of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic agent. His groundbreaking experiments laid a foundation for future advancements in this field. Step into an anaesthetic room med01_01_0380; it is here that medical professionals administer these powerful substances with utmost care and precision. These rooms serve as sanctuaries where patients find solace before undergoing complex surgeries or procedures. Even animals benefit from anaesthesia's touch - adorable polar bear cubs peek over their mother who has been safely put under its influence. This technique ensures their well-being during veterinary interventions without causing distress or pain. Travel back in time to witness historical moments like accusations of witchcraft during medieval times when individuals endured torture without showing signs of sensitivity. Similarly, sixteenth-century amputations were performed without any form of numbing agents available at that time. Fast forward to Morton's pioneering application of sulfuric ether for surgical operations at Boston Hospital - a breakthrough moment captured in engravings forever etched into history books. Marie Jean Pierre Flourens further contributed to our understanding by exploring various aspects related to this remarkable field. Lastly, explore mesmerizing engravings depicting Mesmer's baquet – showcasing alternative methods used before formalised anaesthesia was established – highlighting humanity's relentless pursuit towards relieving pain and suffering.