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Acquired Immune Deficiency Collection

EDITORS COMMENTS"Unveiling the Intricacies of Acquired Immune Deficiency: A Closer Look at HIV and AIDS" Captivating our attention

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle

HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV reverse transcription enzyme

HIV reverse transcription enzyme. Molecular models of the reverse transcriptase enzyme found in HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV infected macrophage, SEM C018 / 8598

HIV infected macrophage, SEM C018 / 8598
HIV infected macrophage. Coloured ion-abrasion scanning electron micrograph (IA-SEM) of a macrophage white blood cell infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, red)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV viruses, TEM

HIV viruses, TEM
HIV viruses. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles. These particles are docking at a T-lymphocyte (white blood cell) just before infection

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS virus

AIDS virus. Conceptual computer artwork of many HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) particles that are sectioned to show their internal structures

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV infection, artwork

HIV infection, artwork
HIV infection. Computer artwork of HIV particles in the bloodstream

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, SEM C018 / 8599

Budding HIV particles, SEM C018 / 8599
Budding HIV particles. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles (yellow) budding from the surface of a T lymphocyte from the H9 cell line

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 9141

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 9141
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 9142

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 9142
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0125

Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0125
Budding HIV particles

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0124

Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0124
Budding HIV particles. Coloured transmision electron micrograph (TEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles (gren) budding from the surface of a T lymphocyte (orange) from the H9 cell line

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0123

Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0123
Budding HIV particles. Coloured transmision electron micrograph (TEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles (blue) budding from the surface of a T lymphocyte (red) from the H9 cell line

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0127

Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0127
Budding HIV particles

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0126

Budding HIV particles, TEM C018 / 0126
Budding HIV particles. Coloured transmision electron micrograph (TEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles (pink) budding from the surface of a T lymphocyte (blue) from the H9 cell line

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8659

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8659
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8658

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8658
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8655

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8655
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8654

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8654
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8652

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8652
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8653

HIV particles, artwork C016 / 8653
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8649

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8649
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8651

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8651
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8650

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8650
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8648

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8648
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8647

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8647
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8646

HIV particle, artwork C016 / 8646
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0581

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0581
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (round) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0580

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0580
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (round) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0579

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C014 / 0579
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (round) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8338

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8338
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (orange) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8339

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8339
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (orange) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8337

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8337
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (yellow) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8336

Cell infected with HIV, SEM C017 / 8336
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (pink) budding from the membrane of a host cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, SEM C017 / 8302

Budding HIV particles, SEM C017 / 8302
Budding HIV particles. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles (yellow) budding from the surface of a T lymphocyte from the H9 cell line

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2898

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2898
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2897

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2897
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2899

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2899
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2895

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2895
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2900

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2900
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2896

HIV particle, artwork C018 / 2896
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS virus particle, computer artwork

AIDS virus particle, computer artwork
HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles exiting a cell

HIV particles exiting a cell. Computer artwork of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) particles exiting a T-lymphocyte (white blood cell). HIV causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS virus particles, computer artwork

AIDS virus particles, computer artwork
HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS viruses budding from T-cell

AIDS viruses budding from T-cell
AIDS viruses. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of rounded Human Immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) budding from the surface of an infected T-lymphocyte blood cell (T-cell)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: People with AIDS

People with AIDS, conceptual image. Computer artwork of red ribbons overlaid on the faces of people with AIDS. These ribbons are worn to show support for the cause of AIDS prevention

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles, computer artwork

HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS blood testing

AIDS blood testing
MODEL RELEASED. AIDS blood test. Technician holding a multi-well sample tray as he tests blood for HIV. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Man with AIDS

Man with AIDS, conceptual computer artwork. The red ribbon on the mans back is a symbol that is worn to show support for AIDS patients and issues

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cryptosporidiosis, TEM

Cryptosporidiosis, TEM

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS pneumonia infection, TEM

AIDS pneumonia infection, TEM
AIDS pneumonia infection. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a section through Pneumocystis carinii protozoa causing pneumonia. The protozoa are crescent-shaped (red/yellow)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Red ribbon and a globe symbolising AIDS awareness

Red ribbon and a globe symbolising AIDS awareness
Global AIDS. Computer artwork of a globe and a ribbon symbolising global AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) awareness

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Computer artwork depicting an Earth AIDS time bomb

Computer artwork depicting an Earth AIDS time bomb
AIDS time bomb. Computer artwork of the Earth as a lit bomb representing a possible epidemic caused by the AIDS viruses covering its surface

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: SEM of mutant blood cell surface infected with HIV

SEM of mutant blood cell surface infected with HIV
HIV infected white blood cell. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the abnormal surface of a white blood cell infected with HIV virus that causes AIDS

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Coloured SEM of Pneumocystis carinii in AIDS lung

Coloured SEM of Pneumocystis carinii in AIDS lung

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Artwork of a man and woman with AIDS viruses

Artwork of a man and woman with AIDS viruses
AIDS. Artwork of the outlines of a man and a woman and AIDS viruses. AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Artwork of a man and woman with the AIDS virus

Artwork of a man and woman with the AIDS virus
AIDS. Artwork of the silhouettes of a man and a woman with the AIDS virus. AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), at centre

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Coloured CT scan of brain abscess in AIDS patient

Coloured CT scan of brain abscess in AIDS patient
Brain abscess in AIDS. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of an axial section through the brain of an AIDS patient, showing cerebral abscess

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: False-col TEM of Cryptosporidia sp

False-col TEM of Cryptosporidia sp

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particles, TEM

Budding HIV particles, TEM
Budding HIV particles. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of HIV particles (blue and yellow) budding from the membrane of the host cell (orange)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Budding HIV particle, computer artwork

Budding HIV particle, computer artwork
Budding HIV particle. Computer artwork of an HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) particle (green) exiting a T-lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell, lower left)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS virus capsid, artwork

AIDS virus capsid, artwork
AIDS virus capsid. Computer artwork of the capsid (red) and surface proteins (blue and yellow) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles

HIV particles, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Simian AIDS viruses, TEM

Simian AIDS viruses, TEM
Simian AIDS virus particles, coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM). These virus particles (small, round) are bursting out of a cell (across bottom) after using the cell to replicate

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: AIDS research, conceptual artwork

AIDS research, conceptual artwork
AIDS research, conceptual computer artwork

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV DNA, molecular model

HIV DNA, molecular model
HIV DNA. Molecular model of a sequence of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) produced by HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus) after infecting a human cell

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV infection, conceptual artwork

HIV infection, conceptual artwork
HIV infection, conceptual computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) particle superimposed on a human silhouette

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV virus particle, artwork

HIV virus particle, artwork
HIV virus particle, computer artwork. Each particle (virion) consists of RNA (ribonucleic acid) contained within a capsid and an envelope covered in glycoprotein spikes

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV virus particles, artwork

HIV virus particles, artwork
HIV virus particles, computer artwork. Each particle (virion) consists of RNA (ribonucleic acid) contained within a capsid and an envelope covered in glycoprotein spikes

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Worldwide AIDS epidemic, artwork

Worldwide AIDS epidemic, artwork
Worldwide AIDS epidemic. Conceptual computer artwork of the Earth in the shape of the AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) virus

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV particles exiting a cell, artwork

HIV particles exiting a cell, artwork
HIV particles exiting a cell. Artwork of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) particles exiting a T-lymphocyte (white blood cell). HIV causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Cell infected with HIV, SEM

Cell infected with HIV, SEM
Cell infected with HIV. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of HIV particles (yellow) budding from the membrane of a host cell (red)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Abacavir AIDS drug molecule

Abacavir AIDS drug molecule. Computer model of a molecule of the AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) drug abacavir

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV drug molecule

HIV drug molecule
Tenofovir AIDS drug molecule. Computer model of a molecule of the AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) drug tenofovir

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Ritonavir HIV drug molecule

Ritonavir HIV drug molecule
Ritonavir HIV drug, molecular model. Ritonavir is an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection and AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) symptoms

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: Emtricitabine AIDS drug molecule

Emtricitabine AIDS drug molecule. Computer model of a molecule of the AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) drug emtricitabine (marketed as Emtriva)

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV antibody therapy

HIV antibody therapy

Background imageAcquired Immune Deficiency Collection: HIV enzyme being affected by a drug

HIV enzyme being affected by a drug. Molecular model of HIVs reverse transcriptase enzyme as it interacts with a drug (not seen)

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"Unveiling the Intricacies of Acquired Immune Deficiency: A Closer Look at HIV and AIDS" Captivating our attention, an intricate image reveals the structure of a single HIV particle, highlighting its unique characteristics. The remarkable HIV reverse transcription enzyme takes center stage in this captivating visual, showcasing its crucial role in the replication process. Through a powerful SEM image, we witness an HIV infected macrophage, providing insight into how these immune cells become hijacked by the virus. In a striking TEM capture, countless HIV viruses are showcased as they swarm within their host cell – a chilling reminder of their destructive potential. The notorious AIDS virus is depicted here through thought-provoking artwork, emphasizing the urgency to understand and combat this global health crisis. 6-8. Artistic representations shed light on the devastating impact of HIV infection on individuals and communities worldwide; evoking empathy while urging for increased awareness and support. Budding HIV particles captured under SEM reveal their distinctive shape and formation process – a mesmerizing display that belies their harmful nature. 10-11. Vivid artwork portrays various forms of HIV particles with stunning detail; reminding us that behind every scientific discovery lies artistic inspiration waiting to be unveiled. Delving deeper into cellular-level imagery using TEM technology, budding HIV particles are magnified to expose their intricate internal structures - further unraveling the mysteries surrounding this relentless virus.

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