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Abrahamrees Collection

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pipe organ built by Flight and Robson

Pipe organ built by Flight and Robson.. Front and side plans of the pipe organ built by Benjamin Flight and Joseph Robson for the Earl of Kirkwall

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Welsh harps

Welsh harps.. Single Welsh harp, ancient triple Welsh harp and modern triple Welsh harp

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Plan and elevation of Stonehenge, Wiltshire

Plan and elevation of Stonehenge, Wiltshire.. Ancient stone circle at Stonehenge, Wiltshire, with original plan and elevation, and ruins as of 1816. Copperplate engraving by W

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Anatomy of the human heart

Anatomy of the human heart.. Anatomy of the human heart

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Joseph Bramahs hydrostatic (hydraulic) press, 18th century

Joseph Bramahs hydrostatic (hydraulic) press, 18th century.. Joseph Bramahs hydrostatic (hydraulic) press, sections of the pump and cylinder, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Viol d amour, mandore, Spanish guitar and lute

Viol d amour, mandore, Spanish guitar and lute.. Viol d amour (1), mandore (2), Spanish guitar (3) and lute (4). Copperplate engraving by John Lee after a drawing by T

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson

Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson.. Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: John Smeatons water gin winding engine, 19th century

John Smeatons water gin winding engine, 19th century.. John Smeatons design for a water gin (winding engine) for drawing coals from the pits, 19th century. Copperplate engraving by W

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: High-pressure steam engine, elevations, 19th century

High-pressure steam engine, elevations, 19th century.. High-pressure steam engine used with the dredging machine on the River Thames, elevations, 19th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Surgical equipment including saws, knives and scalpels

Surgical equipment including saws, knives and scalpels

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Anatomy of the horse - intestines

Anatomy of the horse - intestines.. Anatomy of the horse- stomach and intestines

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Parts and mechanisms of repeating and alarm watches

Parts and mechanisms of repeating and alarm watches.. Parts and mechanisms of repeating and alarm watches. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by B. L

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Thomas Mudges timekeeper, 18th century horology

Thomas Mudges timekeeper, 18th century horology.. Thomas Mudges timekeeper detached lever escapement, 1754. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after an Illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Surveying level or grand theodolite designed

Surveying level or grand theodolite designed by Jesse Ramsden.. Surveying level or grand theodolite designed by Jesse Ramsden. Copperplate engraving by W. Lowry after an Illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: John Bramahs banknote printing press

John Bramahs banknote printing press.. John Bramahs banknote printing press for printing sequential serial numbers, 1806. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after an illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Anatomy of the human skull

Anatomy of the human skull.. Anatomy of the human skull: Georgian female, Turk, African, Calmuck and Caribs. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Matthew Boulton and James Watts steam engine, 1776

Matthew Boulton and James Watts steam engine, 1776.. Matthew Boulton and James Watts steam engine, elevation and plan of the beam floor, 1776

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pneumatics of an air rifle

Pneumatics of an air rifle.. Pneumatics of the Girandoni air rifle showing the air reservoir in the butt and lead bullets in a magazine, and loading mechanism

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Anatomy of birds: skeleton

Anatomy of birds: skeleton.. Anatomy of birds- skeleton

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Doric order capital, column and base from the Parthenon

Doric order capital, column and base from the Parthenon.. Architectural column, capital and base of the Doric order from the Temple of Minerva called the Parthenon in Athens

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Perspective view of a common printing press, 18th century

Perspective view of a common printing press, 18th century.. Perspective view of a common printing press, 18th century. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after an illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Grecian and Roman architectural moldings

Grecian and Roman architectural moldings.. Grecian and Roman architectural moldings

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Steam boat, Maudslays and Murrays steam engine

Steam boat, Maudslays and Murrays steam engine, 19th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Ancient Roman musical instruments

Ancient Roman musical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Rigging plans for sailing ships, 18th century

Rigging plans for sailing ships, 18th century.. Rigging plans for sailing ships, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Rigging for sailing ships, 18th century

Rigging for sailing ships, 18th century.. Rigging for sailing ships, including cordage, bale slings, butt slings, can hook slings, ropes, blocks and pulleys, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Horology; John Arnolds and Thomas Earnshaws chronometers

Horology; John Arnolds and Thomas Earnshaws chronometers.. Horology; John Arnolds chronometer, and Thomas Earnshaws chronometer with standard detent escapement

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Windmill elevation, plan, side, showing power

Windmill elevation, plan, side, showing power generating machine. Windmill elevation, plan, side, showing power generating machinery, 19th century. Copperplate engraving by W

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Egyptian capitals

Egyptian capitals.. Example of Egyptian capitals and architectural fragments in front of a pyramid

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Anatomy of human internal organs

Anatomy of human internal organs.. Anatomy of human internal organs from the front showing heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Stocking frame, knitting machine, 18th century

Stocking frame, knitting machine, 18th century.. Stocking frame, knitting machine, 18th century. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after an Illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Arch lute, mandolin and mandola

Arch lute, mandolin and mandola.. Arch lute (1), mandolin (2) and mandola (3). Copperplate engraving by John Lee after a drawing by T

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Hunting horns, serpent, French horn, bugle and trombone

Hunting horns, serpent, French horn, bugle and trombone.. Hunting horns (1, 2), serpent (3), French horn (4), bugle (5) and sacbut or trombone (6). Brass and woodwind musical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Russian musical instruments

Russian musical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Interior of an English church organ

Interior of an English church organ.. Interior mechanism of an English church organ showing pipes, bellows, stops, keys, choir, swell and great organ

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Rotary press printing machine patented by Bacon and Donkin

Rotary press printing machine patented by Bacon and Donkin.. First rotary press printing machine patented by printer Richard Bacon and engineer Bryan Donkin, 1813

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Machines for silk manufacture, 18th century

Machines for silk manufacture, 18th century.. Machines for silk manufacture- reeling, winding, throwsting, doubling and warping, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Vertical windmill, Captain Stephen Hooper s

Vertical windmill, Captain Stephen Hooper s
Vertical windmill, Captain Stephen Hoopers horizontal windmill.. Windmills: common vertical windmill and Captain Stephen Hoopers horizontal windmill in Margate, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Overshot and undershot waterwheels, 19th century

Overshot and undershot waterwheels, 19th century.. Overshot and undershot waterwheels, 19th century, including examples designed by John Smeaton and Peter Nouaille. Copperplate engraving by W

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Ionic column from the temple of Minerva Polias at Priene

Ionic column from the temple of Minerva Polias at Priene.. Ionic column from the temple of Minerva Polias at Priene

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Surgical equipment for a lithotomy from the 19th century

Surgical equipment for a lithotomy from the 19th century.. Surgical equipment for a lithotomy- sound, staffs, Blunt gorget, Hawkins cutting gorget, Mr. Clines cutting gorget, Mr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Artillery - cannon carriage

Artillery - cannon carriage.. Artillery - gun carriage of the early 19th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: armor from the 11th century to the 14th century

armor from the 11th century to the 14th century.. armor from the 11th century to the 14th century. Normans in chain-mail suits of armor and medieval knights in full plate armor

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Battering ram and catapult

Battering ram and catapult.. Artillery- Aries or wooden battering ram and catapult used by Lord Heathfield at the siege of Gibraltar

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Roman arches

Roman arches.. Architectural drawings of the Arch of Adrian at Athens and the Arch of Septimius Severus at Rome

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Attic, Doric and Ionic features from Greek architecture

Attic, Doric and Ionic features from Greek architecture.. Attic, Doric and Ionic features from Greek architecture

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Spinning Jenny, multi-spindle spinning, 18th century

Spinning Jenny, multi-spindle spinning, 18th century.. Spinning Jenny, multi-spindle spinning frame invented by James Hargreaves, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical instruments: achromatic telescopes

Astronomical instruments: achromatic telescopes and dynameters.. Astronomical instruments- achromatic telescopes and dynameters. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical chart of the constellation of Orion

Astronomical chart of the constellation of Orion.. Astronomical chart of the constellation of Orion. Copperplate engraving by Milton after a drawing by L

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical telescopes

Astronomical telescopes.. Astronomical telescopes, chiefly reflecting, including Dr. David Brewsters patent telescope and John Smeatons telescope support

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical chart of the constellations of

Astronomical chart of the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa. Astronomical chart of the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Copperplate engraving by Milton after a drawing by L

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: James Watts single-acting steam engine, 18th century

James Watts single-acting steam engine, 18th century.. James Watts single-acting steam engine for pumping Chelsea Water Works, 18th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Hornblowers, Cartwrights and Woolfs steam engines

Hornblowers, Cartwrights and Woolfs steam engines
Hornblower s, Cartwrights and Woolfs steam engines

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Cylinders and pistons in a steam engine, 19th century

Cylinders and pistons in a steam engine, 19th century.. Cylinders and pistons in a steam engine, 19th century. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after an Illustration by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Sir WIlliam Herschels Great Forty-Foot telescope

Sir WIlliam Herschels Great Forty-Foot telescope.. Sir William Herschels telescope or the Great Forty-Foot reflecting telescope built between 1785 and 1789 at Observatory House in Slough, England

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Transit instruments for moving astronomical instruments

Transit instruments for moving astronomical instruments.. Transit instruments for moving telescopes and other astronomical instruments. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Equal altitude instruments and an equatorial sector

Equal altitude instruments and an equatorial sector.. The Earl of Ilays Equal Altitude Instrument, Jeremiah Sissons Equatorial Sector and Mr. Cotes Equal Altitude Instrument

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical chart of the Northern hemisphere

Astronomical chart of the Northern hemisphere.. Astronomical chart of the Northern hemisphere. Copperplate engraving by Milton after a drawing by L

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Zenith sector telescopes

Zenith sector telescopes.. Zenith sector telescopes by astronomical instrument makers George Graham, Jesse Ramsden and John Dolland. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Telescope built by Edward Troughton

Telescope built by Edward Troughton.. Equatorial instrument (telescope) at Armagh made by Edward Troughton. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Telescope built by Jesse Ramsden

Telescope built by Jesse Ramsden.. Equatorial instrument (refracting telescope) made by Jesse Ramsden for Sir George Shuckburgh. Copperplate engraving by Sidney Hall after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical chart of the Southern hemisphere

Astronomical chart of the Southern hemisphere.. Astronomical chart of the Southern hemisphere. Copperplate engraving by Milton after a drawing by L

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Universal equatorial instrument by Edward Troughton

Universal equatorial instrument by Edward Troughton, . Universal equatorial instrument by Edward Troughton, English maker of astronomical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Edward Troughtons mural circle

Edward Troughtons mural circle.. Edward Troughtons mural circle. He was an English maker of astronomical instruments. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Whirling table to demonstrate centrifugal force

Whirling table to demonstrate centrifugal force.. Whirling table to demonstrate centrifugal force, and other astronomical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Circle by the Reverend Francis Woollaston

Circle by the Reverend Francis Woollaston.. Circle by the Reverend Francis Woollaston, English astronomer 1731-1815. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Portable circle by Edward Troughton

Portable circle by Edward Troughton.. Portable circle by Edward Troughton, English maker of astronomical instruments. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Josef de Mendoza y Rioss refinement to the

Josef de Mendoza y Rioss refinement to the reflecting circle.. Josef de Mendoza y Rioss refinement to the reflecting circle, an astronomical instrument, 1801

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Repeating circle without reflection by Edward Troughton

Repeating circle without reflection by Edward Troughton.. Repeating circle without reflection by Edward Troughton, English maker of astronomical instruments

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: English reflecting circle by Edward Troughton

English reflecting circle by Edward Troughton.. English reflecting circle by Edward Troughton, maker of astronomical instruments. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Astronomical circles invented by Tobias Mayer and Borda

Astronomical circles invented by Tobias Mayer and Borda.. Astronomical instruments- Tobias Mayers reflecting circle of 1752 and Jean-Charles Bordas improved version of 1777

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Cannon carriages

Cannon carriages.. Artillery - gun carriages, armaments of the early 19th century

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Flutes, fifes, flageolet, gongs and tabours

Flutes, fifes, flageolet, gongs and tabours

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Harps

Harps.. The harp of Brian Boromh (1, 2), silver prize harp (3), and bell harp (4)

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Origins of the bow

Origins of the bow.. Origins of the bow. Medieval paintings, stuatus and objects depicting early violins or fiddles

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pandean Minstrels at Vauxhall Gardens, circa 1800

Pandean Minstrels at Vauxhall Gardens, circa 1800.. The Pandean Minstrels in performance at Vauxhall pleasure gardens circa 1800

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pneumatics of air pumps

Pneumatics of air pumps.. Pneumatics of air pumps and experiments on air

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pneumatics of aerostation with hot-air balloons

Pneumatics of aerostation with hot-air balloons.. Pneumatics of aerostation, the science of operating lighter-than-air aircraft, with two hot-air balloons and aeronauts

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Pneumatics of aerostation with aeolipile

Pneumatics of aerostation with aeolipile.. Pneumatics of aerostation, the science of operating lighter-than-air aircraft, including an aeolipile or Hero engine

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Optical equipment of the 18th century

Optical equipment of the 18th century.. Optical equipment of the 18th century. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Compound microscope mechanisms and parts

Compound microscope mechanisms and parts.. Compound microscope mechanisms and parts including Adams and Martin s. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Single microscope mechanisms and parts

Single microscope mechanisms and parts.. Single microscope mechanisms and parts. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Optical micrometers of the 18th century

Optical micrometers of the 18th century.. Optical micrometers including Dr. Nevil Maskelyne s, Mr. Edward Troughtons and Dr. William Herschels lamp micrometer

Background imageAbrahamrees Collection: Heliostata mechanism and parts

Heliostata mechanism and parts.. Mechanism of the heliostata or heliostate, an optical instrument invented bys Gravesande. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

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Abraham Rees, a man of many talents and interests, delved into the depths of knowledge across various fields. From studying the plan and elevation of Stonehenge in Wiltshire to exploring the intricate anatomy of the human heart, his thirst for understanding was insatiable. His curiosity extended beyond ancient structures and internal organs; he also immersed himself in the world of music. Welsh harps, viol d'amour, mandore, Spanish guitar, and lute were all instruments that fascinated him. His appreciation for their unique sounds drove him to explore their inner workings. But Abraham Rees didn't stop there; his passion for mechanics led him to delve into 18th-century horology with Thomas Mudge's timekeeper. He marveled at its precision and ingenuity. The high-pressure steam engine also captured his attention as he studied its elevations in detail. Not limited to theoretical pursuits alone, Rees explored practical applications as well. Surgical equipment such as saws, knives, and scalpels intrigued him as he sought to understand their purpose in medical procedures. Similarly, he unraveled the intricacies of horse anatomy by examining their intestines. Repeating watches and alarm watches held a particular fascination for Rees as he dissected their parts and mechanisms meticulously. Joseph Bramah's hydrostatic press from the 18th century amazed him with its hydraulic power—a testament to human innovation. The wonders of astronomy captivated Abraham Rees too; an orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson became one more subject on which he would expand his knowledge base. Lastly but not leastly John Smeaton's water gin winding engine from the 19th century drew his attention due to its remarkable engineering feat—another marvel that fueled his intellectual fire. Abraham Rees' journey through these diverse subjects exemplifies a mind hungry for understanding every facet of our world—from ancient monuments to musical instruments; from medical tools to mechanical marvels; from celestial bodies to groundbreaking machinery.

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