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Grove Military Hospital, Tooting Grove, Surrey

Grove Military Hospital, Tooting Grove, Surrey

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Grove Military Hospital, Tooting Grove, Surrey

Children stand at the gates of the Grove Hospital at Tooting Grove, Surrey (now South London) during its First World War service as a military hospital. The Grove was one of five new hospitals opened by the Metropolitan Asylums Board in the 1890s for the treatment of infectious diseases such as scarlet fever and diphtheria. The site is now occupied by St Georges Hospital

Mary Evans Picture Library makes available wonderful images created for people to enjoy over the centuries

Media ID 4420589

© Mary Evans Picture Library 2015 -

Asylums Diphtheria Disease Diseases Fever Gates Gateway Grove Health Hospitals Infection Infectious Metropolitan Poverty Scarlet Surrey Tooting Treatment Workhouse Workhouses War Time Ww 1


> Europe > United Kingdom > England > London > Hospitals

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> Europe > United Kingdom > England > Surrey > Related Images

Axial View - Grove Military Hospital, Tooting Grove, Surrey: A Historical Snapshot of War Time Medical Care and Social Welfare This evocative photograph captures a poignant moment during the First World War, as children stand at the gates of the Grove Military Hospital in Tooting Grove, Surrey. The site, now occupied by St. George's Hospital, was initially established in the late 1890s by the Metropolitan Asylums Board as one of five new hospitals for the treatment of infectious diseases such as scarlet fever and diphtheria. The Grove Hospital, with its imposing gateway and pavement, served as a vital medical institution during the Victorian era, providing care for those afflicted by diseases that were often associated with poverty and overcrowded living conditions. The hospital's grounds, surrounded by lush greenery, offered a respite from the harsh realities of life in the workhouses and asylums that were common during this period. As the First World War broke out, the Grove Hospital was repurposed to serve as a military hospital, providing essential medical care to wounded soldiers. The children in the photograph likely wait outside the gates for news or visits from their loved ones, their expressions a mix of hope and apprehension. This historical image offers a glimpse into the complex interplay between medical care, social welfare, and the realities of war. The Grove Hospital's transformation from a treatment center for infectious diseases to a military hospital reflects the adaptability and resilience of healthcare systems during times of crisis. The photograph also serves as a reminder of the enduring importance of medical institutions and the role they play in caring for those in need, whether during times of peace or war. The Grove Hospital's legacy continues to inspire and inform modern healthcare practices, making it an essential part of both local and global medical history.

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