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Images Dated 17th June 2016

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Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Thuringen Thüringen

Thuringen Thüringen
Schloß Schwarzburg, der Stammsitz der Grafen - später Fürsten - von Schwarzburg Rudolstadt, Thüringen 1920er Jahre

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Mike Hailwood (Honda) 1961 Lightweight TT

Mike Hailwood (Honda) 1961 Lightweight TT
Winning his second TT of the day; Mike Hailwood (Honda) leaves Governors Bridge; 1961 Lightweight TT

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: African warrior at ngoma, Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa

African warrior at ngoma, Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa
African warrior at a ngoma (traditional music and dance festival) in Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa. 1924

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Reading, Royal County of Berkshire - Tram on the Bath Road

Reading, Royal County of Berkshire - Tram on the Bath Road, advertising the Heelas Store on Broad Street (now John Lewis). Date: 1907

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: L & S. W. R Alton Station - Proposed Awning over entrance to Booking Office [c1880]

L & S. W. R Alton Station - Proposed Awning over entrance to Booking Office [c1880]
Plan, Sections and Elevations of Booking Office. Please note this is a microfilm copy and not the original

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Babies in a cabbage patch

Babies in a cabbage patch. Date: circa 1900s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Wedding of George, Duke of York, and Princess Mary of Teck

Wedding of George, Duke of York, and Princess Mary of Teck
The Wedding of Prince George, Duke of York (later King George V), and Princess Mary of Teck on 6th July 1893 at the Chapel Royal, St. Jamess Palace in London

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Prambanan Temple (Candi Rara Jonggrang), Northeast of Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Prambanan Temple (Candi Rara Jonggrang), Northeast of Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia. The temple compound is located northeast of the city of Yogyakarta

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Luigi Taveri (MZ) 1959 Ultra Lightweight TT

Luigi Taveri (MZ) 1959 Ultra Lightweight TT
Luigi Taveri (MZ) at Nursery Bends; 1959 Ultra Lightweight TT

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic - Incredibly long hair

Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic - Incredibly long hair
Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic Sadhu with incredibly long hair, worn in thick dreadlocks called jata. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: L. S. W. R Alton Station - Proposed Footwarmer House [c1905]

L. S. W. R Alton Station - Proposed Footwarmer House [c1905]
Elevations, Section and Plan of Footwarmer House. Please note this is a microfilm copy and not the original

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Sketch cover - King George VI

Sketch cover - King George VI
Front cover of The Sketch magazine from 27 September 1939 featuring a portrait of King George VI. Date: 1939

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Air Raid patrol in London, WWII

Air Raid patrol in London, WWII
Portrait study of a man on guard to warn the city of air attacks, with rattle in his hand to announce the use of gas - his handbell to sound the All Clear

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: British Columbia - Vancouver, Alexandra Park and English Bay

British Columbia - Vancouver, Alexandra Park and English Bay
British Columbia, Canada - Vancouver, Alexandra Park and English Bay. Date: circa 1930s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Waitresses wearing gas masks, WWII

Waitresses wearing gas masks, WWII
Waitresses in a popular London restaurant going about their duties during the early weeks of the Second World War, with gas masks in a tin container worn like a bustle at the back of their waistband

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Bob McIntyre (Norton) 1961 Senior TT

Bob McIntyre (Norton) 1961 Senior TT
Bob McIntyre (Norton) at Bedstead Corner; 1961 Senior TT

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic - Incredibly long hair

Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic - Incredibly long hair
Sri Lanka - Hindu Ascetic Sadhu with incredibly long hair, worn in thick dreadlocks called jata. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Portrait of a European brown bear (Ursus arctos), Kuhmo, Finland, Europe

Portrait of a European brown bear (Ursus arctos), Kuhmo, Finland, Europe

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with cub, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with cub, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, Africa

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Audience playing with water during the Snake boat race at Payippad near Haripad

Audience playing with water during the Snake boat race at Payippad near Haripad, Kerala, South India, India, Asia

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Black Labrador dog, age 6 months, walking

Black Labrador dog, age 6 months, walking

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Himmelsgucker, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a stargazer, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Wanderisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a wandering fish, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Büßerin Magdalena. The penitent

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Tiefseegarnele, Illustration. Deepwater prawn

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Seepferdchen, sea horse (Hippocampus), Illustration

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Tiefseegarnele, Illustration. Deepwater prawn

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Bei den Seehunden im Zoo, 1920er Jahre. At the seal's cage in a zoological garden, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Scholle mit Möwen, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of plaice with seagulls, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Karausche, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a Crucian carp (Carassius carassius), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Besuch im Vogelhaus, 1920er Jahre. Visiting a bird's department at a zoological garden, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Hummer und Languste, Illustration. Lobster and crayfish

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Seepferdchen, sea horse (Hippocampus), Illustration

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Seekuh, manatee (Trichechus manatus)

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Seewalze, Seegurke, sea cucumber (Holothuroidea)

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Taucher rettet einen Ertrinkenden, 1920er Jahre. Diver saving a drowning man, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Hirsche. Deer

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Seekatze, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a chimaera (Hydrolagus colliei), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Affen. Apes

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Schützenfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of an archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Fliegender Fisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a flying fish (Exocoetidae), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Gürteltier. Armadillo

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Jesus und die Apostel beim letzten Abendmahl. Jesus and the apostles at the last supper

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Heilige Jungfrau Mutter Maria. Holy Virgin Mary

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration:, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Stephanus, Stephen

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Thunfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a tuna, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Rotfeuerfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of pterois (Pterois antennata), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Besuch im Vogelhaus, 1920er Jahre. Visiting a bird's department at a zoological garden, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Dornhai, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Zitteraal, electric eel, (Electrophorus electricus)

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Zitteraal, electric eel, (Electrophorus electricus)

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Dampfschiff auf großer Fahrt, 1920er Jahre. Steam ship on great journey, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Saulus wird zu Paulus. Saul changing to Paul

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Tabakspfeifenfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a fish shaped like a tobacco pipe, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Molchfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Kugelfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a Tetraodontidae, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Seeschildkröte. Green sea turtle

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Petersfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a John dory fish (Zeus faber), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Lachs und Lachsforelle, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of salmon and salmon trout, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Schiffswrack auf dem Grund des Ozeans. Ship wreck on the ground of an ocean

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Johannes John Evangelist

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Johannes der Täufer. John the Baptist

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Schwertfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a swordfish (Xiphias gladius), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Adlerfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of an Argyrosomus regius, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Scholle, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a plaice, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Hirsche. Deer

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Schwertfisch, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of a swordfish (Xiphias gladius), 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Seeschildkröte, green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Taucher bei einem Tauchgang im Meer, 1920er Jahre. Diver diving in the ocean, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Dampfschiff auf großer Fahrt, 1920er Jahre. Steam ship on great journey, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Nilpferd, Flusspferd, . Hippo, Hippopotamus

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Karte mit den Schiffslinien des Norddeutschen Lloyd in von Bremen, Deutschland 1920er Jahre. World map with the lines of Norddeutscher Lloyd from Bremen, Germany 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben im Meer

Leben im Meer
Fisch in der Illustration: Dorsche, 1920er Jahre. Illustration of codfish, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Besuch im Vogelhaus, 1920er Jahre. Visiting a bird's department at a zoological garden, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Pilgerreise nach Rom

Pilgerreise nach Rom
Szene einer Pilgerfahrt nach Rom, 1920er Jahre. Impression of a pilgrimage to Rome, 1920s

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Leben und Wunder der Heilgen

Leben und Wunder der Heilgen
Am Grab eines Martyrers. At the grave of a martyr

Background imageImages Dated 17th June 2016: Besuch im Zoo

Besuch im Zoo
Affen. Apes

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