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6N 2013: Scotland 12 Ireland 8Rugby Union - Six Nations - Scotland v Ireland Greig Laidlaw of Scotland in action during the Scotland and Ireland Six nations Rugby Union match at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh
Loch Lomond, Milarrochy Bay rocks, Scottish Highlands. UKA winters evening on Loch Lomond with the Milarrochy Bay rocks on the East bank shore of Loch Lomond in the stunning Trossachs National Park, Scottish Highlands
6N 2013: Scotland 12 Ireland 8Rugby Union - Six Nations - Scotland v Ireland Dave Denton, Richie Gray and Greig Laidlaw of Scotland celebrate during the Scotland and Ireland Six nations Rugby Union match at Murrayfield Stadium
Momos and milk tea, Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia
The Corran ferry heading westwards across Loch Linnhe, Highland Region, ScotlandThe Corran ferry heading westwards across Loch Linnhe. The village below the hills is Corran in Ardgour, Lochaber, Highland Region, Scotland
Maine Coon cat, Germany
India, South India, Asia, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Bombay, City, Colaba, District, Stock Exchange, Building, business, famous
Prince, character from the novel The Ghost-Seer - From the papers of the Count of O or The Apparitionist by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Prince Calaf, character from the drama Turandot by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Greek, character from the novel The Ghost-Seer - From the papers of the Count of O or The Apparitionist by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Arnold of Melchtal, William Tell, character from the drama Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Turandot, Princess of China, character from the drama Turandot by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Berta von Bruneck, character from the drama Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Tyrant Hermann Gessler, Governor of the Swiss cantons, character from the drama William Tell by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Don Cesar, character from the tragedy The Bride of Messina by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Hedwig, the wife of William Tell, character from the drama Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Donna Isabella, character from the tragedy The Bride of Messina by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Beatrice, character from the tragedy The Bride of Messina by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Don Manuel, character from the tragedy The Bride of Messina by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
William Cecil, 1. Baron Burghley, 1521-1598, character from the play Mary Stuart by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Talbot, character from the drama The Maid of Orleans by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Agnes Sorel, 1410 - 1450, Dame de beaute, a favourite mistress of King Charles VII of France, character from the drama The Maid of Orleans by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Isabeau de Baviere, 1370-1435, Queen of France, character from the drama The Maid of Orleans by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Mortimer, character from the play Mary Stuart by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Robert Dudley, 1. Earl of Leicester, 1532-1588, character from the play Mary Stuart by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Justine Segedin, Gustel von Blasewitz, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Thekla, Princess of Friedland, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Capuchin monk, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Countess Terzky, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Max Piccolomini, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Ottavio Piccolomini, an Italian nobleman, character from the drama Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Duke of Alba, character from the drama Don Carlos or Don Karlos, by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Elisabeth of France or Elizabeth of Valois, character from the drama Don Carlos or Don Karlos, by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Marquis of Posa, character from the drama Don Carlos or Don Karlos, by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Lady Milford, character from the drama Cabals and Love by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Dona Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda, Princess of Eboli, Duchess of Pastrana, a Spanish aristocrat, character from the drama Don Carlos or Don Karlos, by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Ferdinand, character from the drama Cabals and Love by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Andreas Doria, Doge of Genoa, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich SchillerAndreas Doria, Doge of Genoa, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Luise Miller, character from the drama Cabals and Love by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Julia, Countess and imperial dowager, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Leonore, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich SchillerLeonore, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Fiesco, Count of Lavagna, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich SchillerFiesco, Count of Lavagna, character from the drama Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Franz Moor, character from the drama The Robbers by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Amalia von Edelreich, character from the drama The Robbers by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
Charles Moor, character from the drama The Robbers by Friedrich Schiller, 1759 - 1805
The fleet of Emperor Charles V, 1500 - 1558, Habsburg, King Charles I or Carlos I of Spain, Holy Roman-German King, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Die kaiserlichen Flotte von Karl V. HRR, im 16
Commemorative card for silver wedding anniversary in 1906 by William II, Gedenkkarte zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906 von Wilhelm II
The voluntary retirement and abdication of Charles V, 1556, Der Verzicht von Karl V. auf den spanischen Thron und auf die Kaiserwuerde am 23. August 1556
Hitorical street scene in Netherlands, 17th Century, Historische Strassenszene um 1670, Niederlande, 17. Jahrhundert
Antwerp revolution, Spanish Netherlands, 16th century, Die Revolte von Antwerpen im niederlaendischen Unabhaengigkeitskampf, 16. Jahrhundert
Meeting of the calvinists, 16th century, Versammlung von Calvinisten im 16. Jahrhundert
The nomination of Prince of Orange, William III, Orange-Nassau, Netherlands, Europe, Wilhelm III. von Oranien-Nassau, 1650 - 1702, Ernennung zum Statthalter der Niederlande, 1672
Historische Stadtansicht von Leiden oder Leyden, eine Stadt in der niederlaendischen Provinz Suedholland, 16. Jahrhundert
Historical cityscape of Dordrecht, 16th century, Netherlands, Europe, Historische Stadtansicht von Dordrecht, eine Stadt in der niederlaendischen Provinz Suedholland, 16. Jahrhundert
The Pacification of Ghent, signed on 8 November 1576
Historical cityscape of Antwerp, 16th Century, Historische Stadtansicht von der Schelde auf Antwerpen im16. Jahrhundert
Historical cityscape of Vlissingen, 16th century, Netherlands, Europe, Historische Stadtansicht von Vlissingen, fruehere englische Garnisonsstadt auch Flushing
The arrival of the Spaniards under the Duke of Alba, 1507 - 1582, in Brussels on 28th August 1567, Spanish Netherlands, Belgium, Europe, Die Ankunft von dem Herzog von Alba, 1507 - 1582
Historic drawing, naval battle between the Netherlands and Spain during the Eighty Years War, also known as the Dutch War of Independence, 1568 -1648
Meeting of the calvinists near Ghent, 16th century, Eine Versammlung der Calvinisten auf einem Feld bei Gent, 16. Jahrhundert
The petition against inquisitation, Margaret, Duchess of Parma, 1522 - 1586, Governor of the Netherlands, Ueberreichung der Petition zur Aussetzung der Ketzerverfolgung am 5
The Iconoclasts of the Reformation, 16th Century, Der Bildersturm der Reformation im 16. Jahrhundert, eine Heiligenfigur von Maria wird zerstoert
Amsterdam flooded by order of the Prince of Orange, William III, Orange-Nassau, Netherlands, Europe, Flutung von Amsterdam, 1672, durch Wilhelm III
Death of William of Nassau-Dillenburg, or William of Orange, William the Silent, Willem de Zwijger, 1533 - 1584, Prince of Orange, a leader in the Dutch war of independence against Spain
Portrait of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547 - 1616, Spanish writer
Portrait of Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlaeger, 1779 - 1850, Danish national poet of romanticism
Portrait of Armand-Jean du Plessis, 1st Duc de Richelieu, 1585 - 1642, Cardinal Richelieu, a French aristocrat, prelate and statesman
Portrait of Johann Caspar Lavater, 1741 - 1801, a Reformed pastor, philosopher and writer from Switzerland of the Age of Enlightenment
Portrait of David Hume, 1711 - 1776, Scottish philosopher, economist and historian
Portrait of Heinrich Friedrich Karl Freiherr vom und zum Stein, 1757 - 1831, a Prussian officer, statesman and reformer
Portrait of Lorenzo I de Medici or Lorenzo the Magnificent, 1449 - 1492, Italian politician and ruler of Florence
Portrait of William Roscoe, 1753 - 1831, English historian and writer
Portrait of Maximilien de Bethune, Baron of Rosny, Duke of Sully, 1559-1641, French politician
Portrait of John Milton, 1608 - 1674, English poet and political philosopher
Portrait of Torquato Tasso, 1544 - 1595, Italian poet of the Counter-Reformation
Portrait of Bartolome Esteban Murillo, 1618 - 1682, Spanish painter of the Baroque
Son of William Tell, character from the drama "William Tell" by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, steel engraving from "Schiller Gallery", 1869, Germany, Europe
Philip II, King of Spain, character from the drama "Don Carlos, Infante of Spain" by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, steel engraving from "Schiller Gallery", 1869
Historical cityscape of Nuremberg, 16th century, from "The Rise of the Dutch Republic", 1880
Historical guild houses in Ghent, 16th century, from "The Rise of the Dutch Republic", 1880, Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium, Europe
Historical cityscape of Granada, 16th century, from "The Rise of the Dutch Republic", 1880, Granada, Granada province, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
Historical cityscape of Bruges, 16th century, from "The Rise of the Dutch Republic", 1880, Bruges, West Flanders, Flemish Region, Belgium, Europe
Portrait of Luis Vaz de Camoes, 1524 - 1579, the Portuguese national poet
Portrait of Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853, German poet, writer, editor and translator of romanticism